12/24 hour clock : Clock : Drawing 2D C# Examples

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12/24 hour clock

/*  Quote  from  

Programming  .NET  Windows  Applications

By  Jesse  Liberty,  Dan  Hurwitz
First  Edition  October  2003  
Pages:  1246  (More  details)

using  System;
using  System.Collections;
using  System.ComponentModel;
using  System.Data;
using  System.Drawing;
using  System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using  System.Timers;
using  System.Windows.Forms;

public  class  Form1  :  System.Windows.Forms.Form
    private  System.ComponentModel.IContainer  components;

    private  int  FaceRadius  =  450;        //  size  of  the  clock  face
    private  bool  b24Hours  =  false;        //  24  hour  clock  face?
    private  System.Windows.Forms.Button  btnClockFormat;
    private  System.Windows.Forms.Timer  timer1;                //  center  of  the  clock
    private  DateTime  currentTime;        //  used  in  more  than  one  method

    public  Form1()
        //  Required  for  Windows  Form  Designer  support

        //  use  the  user's  choice  of  colors
        BackColor  =  SystemColors.Window;
        ForeColor  =  SystemColors.WindowText;

        timer1.Interval  =  500;
        timer1.Enabled  =  true;


    protected  override  void  OnPaint  (  PaintEventArgs  e  )
        Graphics  g  =  e.Graphics;
        DrawTime(g,true);    //  force  an  update

    #region  Windows  Form  Designer  generated  code
    protected  override  void  Dispose(  bool  disposing  )
        if(  disposing  )
            if  (components  !=  null)  
        base.Dispose(  disposing  );

    ///  <summary>
    ///  Required  method  for  Designer  support  -  do  not  modify
    ///  the  contents  of  this  method  with  the  code  editor.
    ///  </summary>
    private  void  InitializeComponent()
        this.components  =  new  System.ComponentModel.Container();
        this.btnClockFormat  =  new  System.Windows.Forms.Button();
        this.timer1  =  new  System.Windows.Forms.Timer(this.components);
        //  btnClockFormat
        this.btnClockFormat.Location  =  new  System.Drawing.Point(8,  8);
        this.btnClockFormat.Name  =  "btnClockFormat";
        this.btnClockFormat.TabIndex  =  1;
        this.btnClockFormat.Text  =  "24  Hours";
        this.btnClockFormat.Click  +=  new  System.EventHandler(this.btnClockFormat_Click);
        //  timer1
        this.timer1.Tick  +=  new  System.EventHandler(this.timer1_Tick);
        //  Form1
        this.AutoScaleBaseSize  =  new  System.Drawing.Size(5,  13);
        this.ClientSize  =  new  System.Drawing.Size(292,  266);
        this.Controls.AddRange(new  System.Windows.Forms.Control[]  {
        this.Name  =  "Form1";
        this.Text  =  "Clock2CS";


    static  void  Main()  
        Application.Run(new  Form1());

    private  void  SetScale(Graphics  g)
        //  if  the  form  is  too  small,  do  nothing
        if  (  Width  ==  0  ||  Height  ==  0  )

        //  set  the  origin  at  the  center
        g.TranslateTransform(Width/2,  Height/2);

        //  set  inches  to  the  minimum  of  the  width  
        //  or  height  dividedby  the  dots  per  inch    
        float  inches  =  Math.Min(Width  /  g.DpiX,  Height  /  g.DpiX);

        //  set  the  scale  to  a  grid  of  2000  by  2000  units
            inches  *  g.DpiX  /  2000,  inches  *  g.DpiY  /  2000);

    private  void  DrawFace(Graphics  g)
        //  numbers  are  in  forecolor  except  flash  number  in  green
        //  as  the  seconds  go  by.
        Brush  brush  =  new  SolidBrush(ForeColor);
        Font  font  =  new  Font("Arial",  40);
        float  x,  y;

        //  new  code
        int  numHours  =  b24Hours  ?  24  :  12;
        int  deg  =  360  /  numHours;
        //  for  each  of  the  hours  on  the  clock  face
        for  (int  i  =  1;  i  <=  numHours;  i++)
            //  i  =  hour    30  degrees  =  offset  per  hour    
            //  +90  to  make  12  straight  up
            x  =  GetCos(i*deg  +  90)  *  FaceRadius;
            y  =  GetSin(i*deg  +  90)  *  FaceRadius;

            StringFormat  format  =  new  StringFormat();
            format.Alignment  =  StringAlignment.Center;
            format.LineAlignment  =  StringAlignment.Center;

                i.ToString(),  font,  brush,  -x,  -y,format);
        }    //  end  for  loop
    }        //  end  drawFace

    private  void  DrawTime(Graphics  g,  bool  forceDraw)

        //    length  of  the  hands
        float  hourLength  =  FaceRadius  *  0.5f;
        float  minuteLength  =  FaceRadius  *  0.7f;
        float  secondLength  =  FaceRadius  *  0.9f;

        //  set  to  back  color  to  erase  old  hands  first
        Pen  hourPen  =  new  Pen(BackColor);
        Pen  minutePen  =  new  Pen(BackColor);
        Pen  secondPen  =  new  Pen(BackColor);

        //  set  the  arrow  heads
        hourPen.EndCap  =  LineCap.ArrowAnchor;
        minutePen.EndCap  =  LineCap.ArrowAnchor;

        //  hour  hand  is  thicker
        hourPen.Width  =  30;
        minutePen.Width  =  20;

        //  second  hand  
        Brush  secondBrush  =  new  SolidBrush(BackColor);
        const  int  EllipseSize  =  50;

        GraphicsState  state;    //  to  to  protect  and  to  serve

        //  1  -  delete  the  old  time

        //  delete  the  old  second  hand
        //  figure  out  how  far  around  to  rotate  to  draw  the  second  hand
        //  save  the  current  state,  rotate,  draw  and  then  restore  the  state
        float  rotation  =  GetSecondRotation();
        state  =  g.Save();

        DateTime  newTime  =  DateTime.Now;
        bool  newMin  =  false;    //  has  the  minute  changed?

        //  if  the  minute  has  changed,  set  the  flag
        if  (  newTime.Minute  !=  currentTime.Minute  )
            newMin  =  true;

        //  if  the  minute  has  changed  or  you  must  draw  anyway  then  you  
        //  must  first  delete  the  old  minute  and  hour  hand
        if  (  newMin    ||  forceDraw  )

            //  figure  out  how  far  around  to  rotate  to  draw  the  minute  hand
            //  save  the  current  state,  rotate,  draw  and  then  restore  the  state
            rotation  =  GetMinuteRotation();
            state  =  g.Save();

            //  figure  out  how  far  around  to  rotate  to  draw  the  hour  hand
            //  save  the  current  state,  rotate,  draw  and  then  restore  the  state
            rotation  =  GetHourRotation();
            state  =  g.Save();

        //  step  2  -  draw  the  new  time
        currentTime  =  newTime;

        hourPen.Color  =  Color.Red;
        minutePen.Color  =  Color.Blue;
        secondPen.Color  =  Color.Green;
        secondBrush  =  new  SolidBrush(Color.Green);

        //  draw  the  new  second  hand
        //  figure  out  how  far  around  to  rotate  to  draw  the  second  hand
        //  save  the  current  state,  rotate,  draw  and  then  restore  the  state
        state  =  g.Save();
        rotation  =  GetSecondRotation();

        //  if  the  minute  has  changed  or  you  must  draw  anyway  then  you  
        //  must  draw  the  new  minute  and  hour  hand
        if  (  newMin  ||  forceDraw  )

            //  figure  out  how  far  around  to  rotate  to  draw  the  minute  hand
            //  save  the  current  state,  rotate,  draw  and  then  restore  the  state
            state  =  g.Save();
            rotation  =  GetMinuteRotation();

            //  figure  out  how  far  around  to  rotate  to  draw  the  hour  hand
            //  save  the  current  state,  rotate,  draw  and  then  restore  the  state
            state  =  g.Save();
            rotation  =  GetHourRotation();

    //  determine  the  rotation  to  draw  the  hour  hand
    private  float  GetHourRotation()
        //  degrees  depend  on  24  vs.  12  hour  clock
        float  deg  =  b24Hours  ?  15  :  30;
        float  numHours  =  b24Hours  ?  24  :  12;
        return(  360f  *  currentTime.Hour  /  numHours  +
            deg  *  currentTime.Minute  /  60f);

    private  float  GetMinuteRotation()
        return(  360f  *  currentTime.Minute  /  60f  );  

    private  float  GetSecondRotation()
        return(360f  *  currentTime.Second  /  60f);

    private  static  float  GetSin(float  degAngle)
        return  (float)  Math.Sin(Math.PI  *  degAngle  /  180f);

    private  static  float  GetCos(float  degAngle)
        return  (float)  Math.Cos(Math.PI  *  degAngle  /  180f);

    private  void  btnClockFormat_Click(object  sender,  System.EventArgs  e)
        btnClockFormat.Text  =  b24Hours  ?  "24  Hour"  :  "12  Hour";
        b24Hours  =  !  b24Hours;


    private  void  timer1_Tick(object  sender,  System.EventArgs  e)

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