A class which implements comparison and equality interfaces : IEquatable : Class C# Examples

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A class which implements comparison and equality interfaces

using  System;
using  System.Collections;
using  System.Collections.Generic;
using  System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using  System.Text;

class  Person  :  IComparable<Person>,  IEquatable<Person>,  IComparable
        public  string  Name;
        public  int  Age;
        public  string  Company;

        //  Implements  IComparable<Person>.CompareTo:
        public  int  CompareTo(Person  other)
                if  (other  ==  null)
                        return  -1;
                return  this.Name.CompareTo(other.Name);

        //  Implements  IComparable.CompareTo:
        public  int  CompareTo(object  obj)
                Person  p  =  obj  as  Person;
                return  CompareTo(p);

        //  Implements  IEquatable<Person>.Equals:
        public  bool  Equals(Person  other)
                return  ((IComparable<Person>)this).CompareTo(other)  ==  0;

        //  Overrides  Object.Equals:
        public  override  bool  Equals(object  obj)
                Person  p  =  obj  as  Person;
                return  Equals(p);

public  class  MainClass
        public  static  void  Main()
                Person[]  people  =  new  Person[3];
                people[0]  =  new  Person();
                people[0].Name  =  "S  D";  people[0].Age  =  20;  people[0].Company  =  "E";
                people[1]  =  new  Person();
                people[1].Name  =  "M  M";  people[1].Age  =  40;  people[1].Company  =  "C";
                people[2]  =  new  Person();
                people[2].Name  =  "J  D";  people[2].Age  =  30;  people[2].Company  =  "T";

                foreach  (Person  p  in  people)
                        Console.Write("'{0},{1},{2}'\t",  p.Name,  p.Age,  p.Company);


                foreach  (Person  p  in  people)
                        Console.Write("'{0},{1},{2}'\t",  p.Name,  p.Age,  p.Company);


'S D,20,E'      'M M,40,C'      'J D,30,T'
'J D,30,T'      'M M,40,C'      'S D,20,E'

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