Bluetooth Demo : Bluetooth : Windows C# Examples

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Bluetooth Demo

using  System;
using  System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using  System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution;
using  System.Security;
using  System.Security.Permissions;
using  System.Text;
using  Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;

[StructLayout(  LayoutKind.Sequential  )]
class  BluetoothFindRadioParams
        public  BluetoothFindRadioParams()  {
                dwSize  =  4;
        public  UInt32  dwSize;

//  Matches  Win32  BLUETOOTH_RADIO_INFO
[StructLayout(  LayoutKind.Sequential,
                              CharSet  =  CharSet.Unicode  )]
struct  BluetoothRadioInfo
        public  const  int  BLUETOOTH_MAX_NAME_SIZE  =  248;

        public  UInt32  dwSize;
        public  UInt64  address;
        [MarshalAs(  UnmanagedType.ByValTStr,
                                SizeConst  =  BLUETOOTH_MAX_NAME_SIZE  )]
        public  string  szName;
        public  UInt32  ulClassOfDevice;
        public  UInt16  lmpSubversion;
        public  UInt16  manufacturer;

//  Safe  Bluetooth  Enumeration  Handle
[SecurityPermission(  SecurityAction.Demand,
                                          UnmanagedCode  =  true  )]
sealed  public  class  SafeBluetoothRadioFindHandle
        :  SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid
        private  SafeBluetoothRadioFindHandle()  :  base(  true  )  {  }

        override  protected  bool  ReleaseHandle()  {
                return  BluetoothFindRadioClose(  handle  );

        [DllImport(  "Irprops.cpl"  )]
        [ReliabilityContract(  Consistency.WillNotCorruptState,
                                                    Cer.Success  )]
        private  static  extern  bool  BluetoothFindRadioClose(
                                                                                            IntPtr  hFind  );

public  class  EntryPoint
        private  const  int  ERROR_SUCCESS  =  0;

        static  void  Main()  {
                SafeFileHandle  radioHandle;
                using(  SafeBluetoothRadioFindHandle  radioFindHandle
                        =  BluetoothFindFirstRadio(new  BluetoothFindRadioParams(),
                                                                            out  radioHandle)  )  {
                        if(  !radioFindHandle.IsInvalid  )  {
                                BluetoothRadioInfo  radioInfo  =  new  BluetoothRadioInfo();
                                radioInfo.dwSize  =  520;
                                UInt32  result  =  BluetoothGetRadioInfo(  radioHandle,
                                                                                                              ref  radioInfo  );

                                if(  result  ==  ERROR_SUCCESS  )  {
                                        //  Let's  send  the  contents  of  the  radio  info  to  the
                                        //  console.
                                        Console.WriteLine(  "address  =  {0:X}",
                                                                              radioInfo.address  );
                                        Console.WriteLine(  "szName  =  {0}",
                                                                              radioInfo.szName  );
                                        Console.WriteLine(  "ulClassOfDevice  =  {0}",
                                                                              radioInfo.ulClassOfDevice  );
                                        Console.WriteLine(  "lmpSubversion  =  {0}",
                                                                              radioInfo.lmpSubversion  );
                                        Console.WriteLine(  "manufacturer  =  {0}",
                                                                              radioInfo.manufacturer  );


        [DllImport(  "Irprops.cpl"  )]
        private  static  extern  SafeBluetoothRadioFindHandle
                BluetoothFindFirstRadio(  [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)]
                                                                  BluetoothFindRadioParams  pbtfrp,
                                                                  out  SafeFileHandle  phRadio  );

        [DllImport(  "Irprops.cpl"  )]
        private  static  extern  UInt32
                BluetoothGetRadioInfo(  SafeFileHandle  hRadio,
                                                              ref  BluetoothRadioInfo  pRadioInfo  );

/*Quote  from:  

Book  Accelerated  C#  2005
        *  By  Trey  Nash
        *  ISBN:  1-59059-717-6
        *  432  pp.
        *  Published:  Aug  2006
        *  Price:  $39.99


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