Drag and Drop Image : Drag Move : GUI Windows Forms C# Examples

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Drag and Drop Image

using  System;
using  System.Drawing;
using  System.Collections;
using  System.ComponentModel;
using  System.Windows.Forms;
using  System.Data;

public  class  ImageDragDrop  :  System.Windows.Forms.Form
    private  System.ComponentModel.Container  components  =  null;

    private  bool    isDragging  =  false;
    private  int      oldX,  oldY;

    Rectangle  dropRect  =  new  Rectangle(100,  100,  150,  150);

    private  PictureBox  picBox  =  new  PictureBox();

    public  ImageDragDrop()

        picBox.SizeMode  =  PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
        picBox.Location  =  new  System.Drawing.Point(64,  32);
        picBox.Size  =  new  System.Drawing.Size(50,  50);
        picBox.Image  =  new  Bitmap("YourFile.bmp");
        picBox.MouseDown  +=  new  MouseEventHandler(picBox_MouseDown);
        picBox.MouseUp  +=  new  MouseEventHandler(picBox_MouseUp);
        picBox.MouseMove  +=  new  MouseEventHandler(picBox_MouseMove);
        picBox.Cursor  =  Cursors.Hand;


    protected  override  void  Dispose(  bool  disposing  )
        if(  disposing  )
            if  (components  !=  null)  
        base.Dispose(  disposing  );

    private  void  InitializeComponent()
        this.AutoScaleBaseSize  =  new  System.Drawing.Size(5,  13);
        this.ClientSize  =  new  System.Drawing.Size(292,  273);
        this.Name  =  "ImageDragDrop";
        this.Text  =  "Dragging  Images";
        this.Paint  +=  new  System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventHandler(this.ImageDragDrop_Paint);


    static  void  Main()  
        Application.Run(new  ImageDragDrop());

    private  void  picBox_MouseDown(object  sender,  MouseEventArgs  e)  
        isDragging  =  true;
        oldX  =  e.X;
        oldY  =  e.Y;

    private  void  picBox_MouseMove(object  sender,  MouseEventArgs  e)  
        if  (isDragging)  
            picBox.Top  =  picBox.Top  +  (e.Y  -  oldY);

            picBox.Left  =  picBox.Left  +  (e.X  -  oldX);

    private  void  picBox_MouseUp(object  sender,  MouseEventArgs  e)  
        isDragging  =  false;

            MessageBox.Show("Message",  "In  Rectangle");

    private  void  ImageDragDrop_Paint(object  sender,  System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs  e)
        Graphics  g  =  e.Graphics;
        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Purple,  dropRect);

        g.DrawString("Drop  Image  Here..",  new  Font("Times  New  Roman",  25),Brushes.Yellow,  dropRect);

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» Drag Move