SqlCommand with Callback Handler : SqlCommand : ADO.Net C# Examples

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SqlCommand with Callback Handler

using  System;
using  System.Data;
using  System.Threading;
using  System.Data.SqlClient;

class  MainClass  {
        public  static  void  CallbackHandler(IAsyncResult  result)  {
                using  (SqlCommand  cmd  =  result.AsyncState  as  SqlCommand)  {
                        using  (SqlDataReader  reader  =  cmd.EndExecuteReader(result))  {
                                lock  (Console.Out)  {
                                        Console.WriteLine("Price  of  the  Ten  Most  Expensive  Products:");
                                        while  (reader.Read())  {
                                                Console.WriteLine("    {0}  =  {1}",

        public  static  void  Main()  {
                using  (SqlConnection  con  =  new  SqlConnection())  {
                        con.ConnectionString  =  @"Data  Source  =  .\sqlexpress;"  +
                                "Database  =  Northwind;  Integrated  Security=SSPI;"  +
                                "Asynchronous  Processing=true";

                        SqlCommand  cmd  =  con.CreateCommand();
                        cmd.CommandType  =  CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                        cmd.CommandText  =  "Ten  Most  Expensive  Products";

                        cmd.BeginExecuteReader(CallbackHandler,  cmd);

                        for  (int  count  =  0;  count  <  10;  count++)  {
                                lock  (Console.Out)  {
                                        Console.WriteLine("{0}  :  Continue  processing...",

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» SqlCommand