Timer start in detail : Timer : Development C# Examples

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Timer start in detail

using  System;
using  System.Threading;

class  MainClass
    static  void  PrintTime(object  state)
        Console.WriteLine("Time  is:  {0},  Param  is:  {1}",  DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(),  state.ToString());

    static  void  Main(string[]  args)
        TimerCallback  timeCB  =  new  TimerCallback(PrintTime);

        Timer  t  =  new  Timer(
            timeCB,      //  The  TimerCallback  delegate  type.
            "Hi",          //  Any  info  to  pass  into  the  called  method.
            0,                //  Amount  of  time  to  wait  before  starting.
            1000);        //  Interval  of  time  between  calls.  

        Console.WriteLine("Hit  key  to  terminate...");


Hit key to terminate...
Time is: 2:19:07 PM, Param is: Hi
Time is: 2:19:08 PM, Param is: Hi
Time is: 2:19:09 PM, Param is: Hi
Time is: 2:19:10 PM, Param is: Hi
^CTerminate batch job (Y/N)? n

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» Timer