Use async job to compute : Asynchronous : Thread C# Examples

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Use async job to compute

using  System;
using  System.Threading;

public  class  MainClass
        //  Declare  the  delegate  for  the  async  call.
        private  delegate  Decimal  Compute(  int  year  );

        //  The  method  that  computes  the  taxes.
        private  static  Decimal  DecimalCompute(  int  year  )  {
                Console.WriteLine(  "Computing  taxes  in  thread  {0}",  Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()  );

                Thread.Sleep(  6000  );

                return  4.9M;

        static  void  Main()  {
                Compute  work  =  new  Compute(DecimalCompute  );
                IAsyncResult  pendingOp  =  work.BeginInvoke(  2004,  null,  null  );

                Thread.Sleep(  3000  );

                Console.WriteLine(  "Waiting  for  operation  to  complete."  );
                Decimal  result  =  work.EndInvoke(  pendingOp  );

                Console.WriteLine(  "Taxes  owed:  {0}",  result  );


Computing taxes in thread 3
Waiting for operation to complete.
Taxes owed: 4.9

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