Use static : Static method : Class C# Examples

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Use static

There are several restrictions that apply to static methods:

A static method does not have a this reference.
A static method can directly call only other static methods.
A static method cannot directly call an instance method of its class.
A static method must directly access only static data.
You can't directly access a non-static variable from within a static method.
You can't directly call a non-static method from within a static method.

using  System;  
class  StaticDemo  {  
    //  a  static  variable  
    public  static  int  val  =  100;    
    //  a  static  method  
    public  static  int  valDiv2()  {  
        return  val/2;  
class  MainClass  {  
    public  static  void  Main()  {  
        Console.WriteLine("Initial  value  of  StaticDemo.val  is  "  
                                            +  StaticDemo.val);  
        StaticDemo.val  =  8;  
        Console.WriteLine("StaticDemo.val  is  "  +  StaticDemo.val);  
        Console.WriteLine("StaticDemo.valDiv2():  "  +  


Initial value of StaticDemo.val is 100
StaticDemo.val is 8
StaticDemo.valDiv2(): 4

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» Static method