sizeof operations : Sizeof : Operator C# Examples

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sizeof operations

Get the size, in bytes, of one of C#'s value types.
To obtain this information, use the sizeof operator.
It has this general form:


using  System;
using  System.Globalization;

struct  MyValueType
    public  short  s;
    public  int  i;
    public  long  l;

public  class  MainClass{

    static  void  Main(string[]  args)
        Console.WriteLine("sizeof  operations");
            Console.WriteLine("The  size  of  short  is  {0}",  sizeof(short));
            Console.WriteLine("The  size  of  int  is  {0}",  sizeof(int));
            Console.WriteLine("The  size  of  long  is  {0}",  sizeof(long));
            Console.WriteLine("The  size  of  MyValueType  is  {0}\n",  sizeof(MyValueType));


sizeof operations
The size of short is 2
The size of int is 4
The size of long is 8
The size of MyValueType is 16

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