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Smart Form

Smart Forms has more than 20 validation types and extra features that make using forms a better experience. The best practice of form validation involves two stages: 1) JavaScript validation since it is fast and it takes the load off the server; 2) Server-side validation since it does not depend on user’s software and therefore it can not be bypassed. Smart Forms includes PHP script that performs exactly the same validation as JavaScript, so you can easily implement this scheme. Validation is based on data types (number, word, alphanumeric, date, e-mail, etc) and comparisons (including numeric, text length, and selected items count comparisons). Also, you can add extra features to the form, including character counters for textarea & input tags (this way, when you set length limitation you can let the user know how many character he/she has left), groups of fixed size fields such as year-month-day (when you enter 4-digit year the focus automatically shifts to the month field), et

Free   Version: n/a   Platform(s): All   Updated:  May 15, 2008

Developer:Ilya S. Lyubinskiy Demo Download  
Rated by: 2 user(s)  
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