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var regiondb = new Object() regiondb["africa"] = [{value:"102", text:"Cairo"}, {value:"88", text:"Lagos"}, {value:"80", text:"Nairobi"}, {value:"55", text:"Pretoria"}]; regiondb["asia"] = [{value:"30", text:"Ankara"}, {value:"21", text:"Bangkok"}, {value:"49", text:"Beijing"}, {value:"76", text:"New Delhi"}, {value:"14", text:"Tokyo"}]; regiondb["australia"] = [{value:"64", text:"Suva"}, {value:"12", text:"Sydney"}]; regiondb["europe"] = [{value:"11", text:"Athens"}, {value:"35", text:"Frankfurt"}, {value:"3", text:"London"}, {value:"15", text:"Madrid"}, {value:"1", text:"Paris"}, {value:"10", text:"Rome"}, {value:"6", text:"Stockholm"}, {value:"97", text:"St. Petersburg"}]; regiondb["noamer"] = [{value:"73", text:"Dallas"}, {value:"71", text:"Los Angeles"}, {value:"5", text:"New York"}, {value:"37", text:"Toronto"}]; regiondb["soamer"] = [{value:"65", text:"Buenos Aires"}, {value:"31", text:"Caracas"}, {value:"66", text:"Rio di Janeiro"}];
function setCities(chooser) { var newElem; var where = (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") ? -1 : null; var cityChooser = chooser.form.elements["city"]; while (cityChooser.options.length) { cityChooser.remove(0); } var choice = chooser.options[chooser.selectedIndex].value; var db = regiondb[choice]; newElem = document.createElement("option"); newElem.text = "Choose a City:"; newElem.value = ""; cityChooser.add(newElem, where); if (choice != "") { for (var i = 0; i < db.length; i++) { newElem = document.createElement("option"); newElem.text = db[i].text; newElem.value = db[i].value; cityChooser.add(newElem, where); } } }
/********** DOM LEVEL 0 ALTERNATE ********** function setCities(chooser) { var cityChooser = chooser.form.elements["city"]; // empty previous settings cityChooser.options.length = 0; // get chosen value to act as index to regiondb hash table var choice = chooser.options[chooser.selectedIndex].value; var db = regiondb[choice]; // insert default first item cityChooser.options[0] = new Option("Choose a City:", "", true, false); if (choice != "") { // loop through array of the hash table entry, and populate options for (var i = 0; i < db.length; i++) { cityChooser.options[i + 1] = new Option(db[i].text, db[i].value); } } } **********/ </script> </head> <body> <h1>Changing Select Element Content</h1> <hr /> <form name="dealers" ...> ... Submit Request to: <select name="continent" onchange="setCities(this)"> <option value="" selected>Choose a Region:</option> <option value="africa">Africa</option> <option value="asia">Asia</option> <option value="australia">Australia/Pacific</option> <option value="europe">Europe</option> <option value="noamer">North America</option> <option value="soamer">South America</option> </select> <select name="city"> <option value="" selected>Choose a City:</option> </select> ... </form> </body> </html>