<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>[DOM Tooltip] Example 9: Auto-Generated Tips (black background)</title> <style> /* Demo Site Styles */ body { margin: 0; padding: 10px; }
a:link, a:visited, a:active { font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; text-decoration: underline; color: #000066; font-weight: bold; }
a:hover { text-decoration: none; }
p { font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; margin: 0; padding: 10px; }
p.small { font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; }
ol, li { font-size: 12px; }
li { margin-bottom: 5px; }
div.title { color: #000066; padding-left: 1px; font-family: monospace; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 9px; height: 9px; margin-bottom: 1px; }
div.main { border: 1px solid #000066; }
/* Default DOM Tooltip Style */ div.domTT { border: 1px solid #333333; background-color: #333333; } div.domTT .caption { font-family: serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; padding: 1px 2px; color: #FFFFFF; } div.domTT .contents { font-size: 12px; font-family: sans-serif; padding: 3px 2px; background-color: #F1F1FF; }
/* Classic Style */ div.domTTClassic { border: 1px solid black; background-color: InfoBackground; } div.domTTClassic .caption { font-family: serif; font-size: 13px; _font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; padding: 1px 2px; } div.domTTClassic .contents { color: InfoText; font-size: 13px; _font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; padding: 1px 2px; _padding-bottom: 0; }
/* Win9x Style */ div.domTTWin { border: 2px outset #BFBFBF; background-color: #808080 } div.domTTWin .caption { border: 0px solid #BFBFBF; border-width: 1px 1px 0px 1px; background-color: #00007F; padding: 2px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; font-family: sans-serif; color: white; } div.domTTWin .contents { border: 1px solid #BFBFBF; }
/* Overlib Style */ div.domTTOverlib { border: 1px solid #333366; background-color: #333366; } div.domTTOverlib .caption { font-family: Verdana, Helvetica; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF; } div.domTTOverlib .contents { font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana, Helvetica; padding: 2px; background-color: #F1F1FF; }
/* Nicetitle Style */ div.niceTitle { background-color: #333333; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; font-size: 13px; font-family: "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; width: 250px; left: 0; top: 0; padding: 4px; position: absolute; text-align: left; z-index: 20; -moz-border-radius: 0 10px 10px 10px; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=87); -moz-opacity: .87; -khtml-opacity: .87; opacity: .87; } div.niceTitle .contents { margin: 0; padding: 0 3px; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=100); -moz-opacity: 1; -khtml-opacity: 1; opacity: 1; } div.niceTitle p { color: #D17E62; font-size: 9px; padding: 3px 0 0 0; margin: 0; text-align: left; -moz-opacity: 1; }
/* Context Menu Style */ div.domTTMenu { width: 150px; border: 2px outset #E6E6E6; } div.domTTMenu .caption { font-size: 12px; font-family: sans-serif; background-color: #E6E6E6; } div.domTTMenu .contents { padding: 1px 0; background-color: #E6E6E6; }
</style> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> /** $Id: domLib.js 2321 2006-06-12 06:45:41Z dallen $ */ // {{{ license
/* * Copyright 2002-2005 Dan Allen, Mojavelinux.com (dan.allen@mojavelinux.com) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */
// }}} // {{{ intro
/** * Title: DOM Library Core * Version: 0.70 * * Summary: * A set of commonly used functions that make it easier to create javascript * applications that rely on the DOM. * * Updated: 2005/05/17 * * Maintainer: Dan Allen <dan.allen@mojavelinux.com> * Maintainer: Jason Rust <jrust@rustyparts.com> * * License: Apache 2.0 */
// }}} // {{{ global constants (DO NOT EDIT)
// -- Browser Detection -- var domLib_userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var domLib_isMac = navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Mac') != -1; var domLib_isWin = domLib_userAgent.indexOf('windows') != -1; // NOTE: could use window.opera for detecting Opera var domLib_isOpera = domLib_userAgent.indexOf('opera') != -1; var domLib_isOpera7up = domLib_userAgent.match(/opera.(7|8)/i); var domLib_isSafari = domLib_userAgent.indexOf('safari') != -1; var domLib_isKonq = domLib_userAgent.indexOf('konqueror') != -1; // Both konqueror and safari use the khtml rendering engine var domLib_isKHTML = (domLib_isKonq || domLib_isSafari || domLib_userAgent.indexOf('khtml') != -1); var domLib_isIE = (!domLib_isKHTML && !domLib_isOpera && (domLib_userAgent.indexOf('msie 5') != -1 || domLib_userAgent.indexOf('msie 6') != -1 || domLib_userAgent.indexOf('msie 7') != -1)); var domLib_isIE5up = domLib_isIE; var domLib_isIE50 = (domLib_isIE && domLib_userAgent.indexOf('msie 5.0') != -1); var domLib_isIE55 = (domLib_isIE && domLib_userAgent.indexOf('msie 5.5') != -1); var domLib_isIE5 = (domLib_isIE50 || domLib_isIE55); // safari and konq may use string "khtml, like gecko", so check for destinctive / var domLib_isGecko = domLib_userAgent.indexOf('gecko/') != -1; var domLib_isMacIE = (domLib_isIE && domLib_isMac); var domLib_isIE55up = domLib_isIE5up && !domLib_isIE50 && !domLib_isMacIE; var domLib_isIE6up = domLib_isIE55up && !domLib_isIE55;
// -- Browser Abilities -- var domLib_standardsMode = (document.compatMode && document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat'); var domLib_useLibrary = (domLib_isOpera7up || domLib_isKHTML || domLib_isIE5up || domLib_isGecko || domLib_isMacIE || document.defaultView); // fixed in Konq3.2 var domLib_hasBrokenTimeout = (domLib_isMacIE || (domLib_isKonq && domLib_userAgent.match(/konqueror/3.([2-9])/) == null)); var domLib_canFade = (domLib_isGecko || domLib_isIE || domLib_isSafari || domLib_isOpera); var domLib_canDrawOverSelect = (domLib_isMac || domLib_isOpera || domLib_isGecko); var domLib_canDrawOverFlash = (domLib_isMac || domLib_isWin);
// -- Event Variables -- var domLib_eventTarget = domLib_isIE ? 'srcElement' : 'currentTarget'; var domLib_eventButton = domLib_isIE ? 'button' : 'which'; var domLib_eventTo = domLib_isIE ? 'toElement' : 'relatedTarget'; var domLib_stylePointer = domLib_isIE ? 'hand' : 'pointer'; // NOTE: a bug exists in Opera that prevents maxWidth from being set to 'none', so we make it huge var domLib_styleNoMaxWidth = domLib_isOpera ? '10000px' : 'none'; var domLib_hidePosition = '-1000px'; var domLib_scrollbarWidth = 14; var domLib_autoId = 1; var domLib_zIndex = 100;
// -- Detection -- var domLib_collisionElements; var domLib_collisionsCached = false;
var domLib_timeoutStateId = 0; var domLib_timeoutStates = new Hash();
// }}} // {{{ DOM enhancements
if (!document.ELEMENT_NODE) { document.ELEMENT_NODE = 1; document.ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2; document.TEXT_NODE = 3; document.DOCUMENT_NODE = 9; document.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11; }
function domLib_clone(obj) { var copy = {}; for (var i in obj) { var value = obj[i]; try { if (value != null && typeof(value) == 'object' && value != window && !value.nodeType) { copy[i] = domLib_clone(value); } else { copy[i] = value; } } catch(e) { copy[i] = value; } }
return copy; }
// }}} // {{{ class Hash()
function Hash() { this.length = 0; this.numericLength = 0; this.elementData = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 2) { if (typeof(arguments[i + 1]) != 'undefined') { this.elementData[arguments[i]] = arguments[i + 1]; this.length++; if (arguments[i] == parseInt(arguments[i])) { this.numericLength++; } } } }
// using prototype as opposed to inner functions saves on memory Hash.prototype.get = function(in_key) { if (typeof(this.elementData[in_key]) != 'undefined') { return this.elementData[in_key]; }
return null; }
Hash.prototype.set = function(in_key, in_value) { if (typeof(in_value) != 'undefined') { if (typeof(this.elementData[in_key]) == 'undefined') { this.length++; if (in_key == parseInt(in_key)) { this.numericLength++; } }
return this.elementData[in_key] = in_value; }
return false; }
Hash.prototype.remove = function(in_key) { var tmp_value; if (typeof(this.elementData[in_key]) != 'undefined') { this.length--; if (in_key == parseInt(in_key)) { this.numericLength--; }
tmp_value = this.elementData[in_key]; delete this.elementData[in_key]; }
return tmp_value; }
Hash.prototype.size = function() { return this.length; }
Hash.prototype.has = function(in_key) { return typeof(this.elementData[in_key]) != 'undefined'; }
Hash.prototype.find = function(in_obj) { for (var tmp_key in this.elementData) { if (this.elementData[tmp_key] == in_obj) { return tmp_key; } }
return null; }
Hash.prototype.merge = function(in_hash) { for (var tmp_key in in_hash.elementData) { if (typeof(this.elementData[tmp_key]) == 'undefined') { this.length++; if (tmp_key == parseInt(tmp_key)) { this.numericLength++; } }
this.elementData[tmp_key] = in_hash.elementData[tmp_key]; } }
Hash.prototype.compare = function(in_hash) { if (this.length != in_hash.length) { return false; }
for (var tmp_key in this.elementData) { if (this.elementData[tmp_key] != in_hash.elementData[tmp_key]) { return false; } } return true; }
// }}} // {{{ domLib_isDescendantOf()
function domLib_isDescendantOf(in_object, in_ancestor, in_bannedTags) { if (in_object == null) { return false; }
if (in_object == in_ancestor) { return true; }
if (typeof(in_bannedTags) != 'undefined' && (',' + in_bannedTags.join(',') + ',').indexOf(',' + in_object.tagName + ',') != -1) { return false; }
while (in_object != document.documentElement) { try { if ((tmp_object = in_object.offsetParent) && tmp_object == in_ancestor) { return true; } else if ((tmp_object = in_object.parentNode) == in_ancestor) { return true; } else { in_object = tmp_object; } } // in case we get some wierd error, assume we left the building catch(e) { return false; } }
return false; }
// }}} // {{{ domLib_detectCollisions()
/** * For any given target element, determine if elements on the page * are colliding with it that do not obey the rules of z-index. */ function domLib_detectCollisions(in_object, in_recover, in_useCache) { // the reason for the cache is that if the root menu is built before // the page is done loading, then it might not find all the elements. // so really the only time you don't use cache is when building the // menu as part of the page load if (!domLib_collisionsCached) { var tags = [];
if (!domLib_canDrawOverFlash) { tags[tags.length] = 'object'; }
if (!domLib_canDrawOverSelect) { tags[tags.length] = 'select'; }
domLib_collisionElements = domLib_getElementsByTagNames(tags, true); domLib_collisionsCached = in_useCache; }
// if we don't have a tip, then unhide selects if (in_recover) { for (var cnt = 0; cnt < domLib_collisionElements.length; cnt++) { var thisElement = domLib_collisionElements[cnt];
if (!thisElement.hideList) { thisElement.hideList = new Hash(); }
thisElement.hideList.remove(in_object.id); if (!thisElement.hideList.length) { domLib_collisionElements[cnt].style.visibility = 'visible'; if (domLib_isKonq) { domLib_collisionElements[cnt].style.display = ''; } } }
return; } else if (domLib_collisionElements.length == 0) { return; }
// okay, we have a tip, so hunt and destroy var objectOffsets = domLib_getOffsets(in_object);
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < domLib_collisionElements.length; cnt++) { var thisElement = domLib_collisionElements[cnt];
// if collision element is in active element, move on // WARNING: is this too costly? if (domLib_isDescendantOf(thisElement, in_object)) { continue; }
// konqueror only has trouble with multirow selects if (domLib_isKonq && thisElement.tagName == 'SELECT' && (thisElement.size <= 1 && !thisElement.multiple)) { continue; }
if (!thisElement.hideList) { thisElement.hideList = new Hash(); }
var selectOffsets = domLib_getOffsets(thisElement); var center2centerDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(selectOffsets.get('leftCenter') - objectOffsets.get('leftCenter'), 2) + Math.pow(selectOffsets.get('topCenter') - objectOffsets.get('topCenter'), 2)); var radiusSum = selectOffsets.get('radius') + objectOffsets.get('radius'); // the encompassing circles are overlapping, get in for a closer look if (center2centerDistance < radiusSum) { // tip is left of select if ((objectOffsets.get('leftCenter') <= selectOffsets.get('leftCenter') && objectOffsets.get('right') < selectOffsets.get('left')) || // tip is right of select (objectOffsets.get('leftCenter') > selectOffsets.get('leftCenter') && objectOffsets.get('left') > selectOffsets.get('right')) || // tip is above select (objectOffsets.get('topCenter') <= selectOffsets.get('topCenter') && objectOffsets.get('bottom') < selectOffsets.get('top')) || // tip is below select (objectOffsets.get('topCenter') > selectOffsets.get('topCenter') && objectOffsets.get('top') > selectOffsets.get('bottom'))) { thisElement.hideList.remove(in_object.id); if (!thisElement.hideList.length) { thisElement.style.visibility = 'visible'; if (domLib_isKonq) { thisElement.style.display = ''; } } } else { thisElement.hideList.set(in_object.id, true); thisElement.style.visibility = 'hidden'; if (domLib_isKonq) { thisElement.style.display = 'none'; } } } } }
// }}} // {{{ domLib_getOffsets()
function domLib_getOffsets(in_object, in_preserveScroll) { if (typeof(in_preserveScroll) == 'undefined') { in_preserveScroll = false; }
var originalObject = in_object; var originalWidth = in_object.offsetWidth; var originalHeight = in_object.offsetHeight; var offsetLeft = 0; var offsetTop = 0;
while (in_object) { offsetLeft += in_object.offsetLeft; offsetTop += in_object.offsetTop; in_object = in_object.offsetParent; // consider scroll offset of parent elements if (in_object && !in_preserveScroll) { offsetLeft -= in_object.scrollLeft; offsetTop -= in_object.scrollTop; } }
// MacIE misreports the offsets (even with margin: 0 in body{}), still not perfect if (domLib_isMacIE) { offsetLeft += 10; offsetTop += 10; }
return new Hash( 'left', offsetLeft, 'top', offsetTop, 'right', offsetLeft + originalWidth, 'bottom', offsetTop + originalHeight, 'leftCenter', offsetLeft + originalWidth/2, 'topCenter', offsetTop + originalHeight/2, 'radius', Math.max(originalWidth, originalHeight) ); }
// }}} // {{{ domLib_setTimeout()
function domLib_setTimeout(in_function, in_timeout, in_args) { if (typeof(in_args) == 'undefined') { in_args = []; }
if (in_timeout == -1) { // timeout event is disabled return 0; } else if (in_timeout == 0) { in_function(in_args); return 0; }
// must make a copy of the arguments so that we release the reference var args = domLib_clone(in_args);
if (!domLib_hasBrokenTimeout) { return setTimeout(function() { in_function(args); }, in_timeout); } else { var id = domLib_timeoutStateId++; var data = new Hash(); data.set('function', in_function); data.set('args', args); domLib_timeoutStates.set(id, data);
data.set('timeoutId', setTimeout('domLib_timeoutStates.get(' + id + ').get('function')(domLib_timeoutStates.get(' + id + ').get('args')); domLib_timeoutStates.remove(' + id + ');', in_timeout)); return id; } }
// }}} // {{{ domLib_clearTimeout()
function domLib_clearTimeout(in_id) { if (!domLib_hasBrokenTimeout) { if (in_id > 0) { clearTimeout(in_id); } } else { if (domLib_timeoutStates.has(in_id)) { clearTimeout(domLib_timeoutStates.get(in_id).get('timeoutId')) domLib_timeoutStates.remove(in_id); } } }
// }}} // {{{ domLib_getEventPosition()
function domLib_getEventPosition(in_eventObj) { var eventPosition = new Hash('x', 0, 'y', 0, 'scrollX', 0, 'scrollY', 0);
// IE varies depending on standard compliance mode if (domLib_isIE) { var doc = (domLib_standardsMode ? document.documentElement : document.body); // NOTE: events may fire before the body has been loaded if (doc) { eventPosition.set('x', in_eventObj.clientX + doc.scrollLeft); eventPosition.set('y', in_eventObj.clientY + doc.scrollTop); eventPosition.set('scrollX', doc.scrollLeft); eventPosition.set('scrollY', doc.scrollTop); } } else { eventPosition.set('x', in_eventObj.pageX); eventPosition.set('y', in_eventObj.pageY); eventPosition.set('scrollX', in_eventObj.pageX - in_eventObj.clientX); eventPosition.set('scrollY', in_eventObj.pageY - in_eventObj.clientY); }
return eventPosition; }
// }}} // {{{ domLib_cancelBubble()
function domLib_cancelBubble(in_event) { var eventObj = in_event ? in_event : window.event; eventObj.cancelBubble = true; }
// }}} // {{{ domLib_getIFrameReference()
function domLib_getIFrameReference(in_frame) { if (domLib_isGecko || domLib_isIE) { return in_frame.frameElement; } else { // we could either do it this way or require an id on the frame // equivalent to the name var name = in_frame.name; if (!name || !in_frame.parent) { return null; }
var candidates = in_frame.parent.document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'); for (var i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { if (candidates[i].name == name) { return candidates[i]; } }
return null; } }
// }}} // {{{ domLib_getElementsByClass()
function domLib_getElementsByClass(in_class) { var elements = domLib_isIE5 ? document.all : document.getElementsByTagName('*'); var matches = []; var cnt = 0; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if ((" " + elements[i].className + " ").indexOf(" " + in_class + " ") != -1) { matches[cnt++] = elements[i]; } }
return matches; }
// }}} // {{{ domLib_getElementsByTagNames()
function domLib_getElementsByTagNames(in_list, in_excludeHidden) { var elements = []; for (var i = 0; i < in_list.length; i++) { var matches = document.getElementsByTagName(in_list[i]); for (var j = 0; j < matches.length; j++) { // skip objects that have nested embeds, or else we get "flashing" if (matches[j].tagName == 'OBJECT' && domLib_isGecko) { var kids = matches[j].childNodes; var skip = false; for (var k = 0; k < kids.length; k++) { if (kids[k].tagName == 'EMBED') { skip = true; break; } } if (skip) continue; }
if (in_excludeHidden && domLib_getComputedStyle(matches[j], 'visibility') == 'hidden') { continue; }
elements[elements.length] = matches[j]; } }
return elements; }
// }}} // {{{ domLib_getComputedStyle()
function domLib_getComputedStyle(in_obj, in_property) { if (domLib_isIE) { var humpBackProp = in_property.replace(/-(.)/, function (a, b) { return b.toUpperCase(); }); return eval('in_obj.currentStyle.' + humpBackProp); } // getComputedStyle() is broken in konqueror, so let's go for the style object else if (domLib_isKonq) { //var humpBackProp = in_property.replace(/-(.)/, function (a, b) { return b.toUpperCase(); }); return eval('in_obj.style.' + in_property); } else { return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(in_obj, null).getPropertyValue(in_property); } }
// }}} // {{{ makeTrue()
function makeTrue() { return true; }
// }}} // {{{ makeFalse()
function makeFalse() { return false; }
// }}}
</script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> /** $Id: domTT.js 2324 2006-06-12 07:06:39Z dallen $ */ // {{{ license
/* * Copyright 2002-2005 Dan Allen, Mojavelinux.com (dan.allen@mojavelinux.com) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */
// }}} // {{{ intro
/** * Title: DOM Tooltip Library * Version: 0.7.3 * * Summary: * Allows developers to add custom tooltips to the webpages. Tooltips are * generated using the domTT_activate() function and customized by setting * a handful of options. * * Maintainer: Dan Allen <dan.allen@mojavelinux.com> * Contributors: * Josh Gross <josh@jportalhome.com> * Jason Rust <jason@rustyparts.com> * * License: Apache 2.0 * However, if you use this library, you earn the position of official bug * reporter :) Please post questions or problem reports to the newsgroup: * * http://groups-beta.google.com/group/dom-tooltip * * If you are doing this for commercial work, perhaps you could send me a few * Starbucks Coffee gift dollars or PayPal bucks to encourage future * developement (NOT REQUIRED). E-mail me for my snail mail address.
* * Homepage: http://www.mojavelinux.com/projects/domtooltip/ * * Newsgroup: http://groups-beta.google.com/group/dom-tooltip * * Freshmeat Project: http://freshmeat.net/projects/domtt/?topic_id=92 * * Updated: 2005/07/16 * * Supported Browsers: * Mozilla (Gecko), IE 5.5+, IE on Mac, Safari, Konqueror, Opera 7 * * Usage: * Please see the HOWTO documentation. **/
// }}} // {{{ settings (editable)
// IE mouse events seem to be off by 2 pixels var domTT_offsetX = (domLib_isIE ? -2 : 0); var domTT_offsetY = (domLib_isIE ? 4 : 2); var domTT_direction = 'southeast'; var domTT_mouseHeight = domLib_isIE ? 13 : 19; var domTT_closeLink = 'X'; var domTT_closeAction = 'hide'; var domTT_activateDelay = 500; var domTT_maxWidth = false; var domTT_styleClass = 'domTT'; var domTT_fade = 'neither'; var domTT_lifetime = 0; var domTT_grid = 0; var domTT_trailDelay = 200; var domTT_useGlobalMousePosition = true; var domTT_postponeActivation = false; var domTT_tooltipIdPrefix = '[domTT]'; var domTT_screenEdgeDetection = true; var domTT_screenEdgePadding = 4; var domTT_oneOnly = false; var domTT_cloneNodes = false; var domTT_detectCollisions = true; var domTT_bannedTags = ['OPTION']; var domTT_draggable = false; if (typeof(domTT_dragEnabled) == 'undefined') { domTT_dragEnabled = false; }
// }}} // {{{ globals (DO NOT EDIT)
var domTT_predefined = new Hash(); // tooltips are keyed on both the tip id and the owner id, // since events can originate on either object var domTT_tooltips = new Hash(); var domTT_lastOpened = 0; var domTT_documentLoaded = false; var domTT_mousePosition = null;
// }}} // {{{ document.onmousemove
if (domLib_useLibrary && domTT_useGlobalMousePosition) { document.onmousemove = function(in_event) { if (typeof(in_event) == 'undefined') { in_event = window.event; }
domTT_mousePosition = domLib_getEventPosition(in_event); if (domTT_dragEnabled && domTT_dragMouseDown) { domTT_dragUpdate(in_event); } } }
// }}} // {{{ domTT_activate()
function domTT_activate(in_this, in_event) { if (!domLib_useLibrary || (domTT_postponeActivation && !domTT_documentLoaded)) { return false; }
// make sure in_event is set (for IE, some cases we have to use window.event) if (typeof(in_event) == 'undefined') { in_event = window.event; }
// don't allow tooltips on banned tags (such as OPTION) if (in_event != null) { var target = in_event.srcElement ? in_event.srcElement : in_event.target; if (target != null && (',' + domTT_bannedTags.join(',') + ',').indexOf(',' + target.tagName + ',') != -1) { return false; } }
var owner = document.body; // we have an active event so get the owner if (in_event != null && in_event.type.match(/key|mouse|click|contextmenu/i)) { // make sure we have nothing higher than the body element if (in_this.nodeType && in_this.nodeType != document.DOCUMENT_NODE) { owner = in_this; } } // non active event (make sure we were passed a string id) else { if (typeof(in_this) != 'object' && !(owner = domTT_tooltips.get(in_this))) { // NOTE: two steps to avoid "flashing" in gecko var embryo = document.createElement('div'); owner = document.body.appendChild(embryo); owner.style.display = 'none'; owner.id = in_this; } }
// make sure the owner has a unique id if (!owner.id) { owner.id = '__autoId' + domLib_autoId++; }
// see if we should only be opening one tip at a time // NOTE: this is not "perfect" yet since it really steps on any other // tip working on fade out or delayed close, but it get's the job done if (domTT_oneOnly && domTT_lastOpened) { domTT_deactivate(domTT_lastOpened); }
domTT_lastOpened = owner.id;
var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(owner.id); if (tooltip) { if (tooltip.get('eventType') != in_event.type) { if (tooltip.get('type') == 'greasy') { tooltip.set('closeAction', 'destroy'); domTT_deactivate(owner.id); } else if (tooltip.get('status') != 'inactive') { return owner.id; } } else { if (tooltip.get('status') == 'inactive') { tooltip.set('status', 'pending'); tooltip.set('activateTimeout', domLib_setTimeout(domTT_runShow, tooltip.get('delay'), [owner.id, in_event]));
return owner.id; } // either pending or active, let it be else { return owner.id; } } }
// setup the default options hash var options = new Hash( 'caption', '', 'content', '', 'clearMouse', true, 'closeAction', domTT_closeAction, 'closeLink', domTT_closeLink, 'delay', domTT_activateDelay, 'direction', domTT_direction, 'draggable', domTT_draggable, 'fade', domTT_fade, 'fadeMax', 100, 'grid', domTT_grid, 'id', domTT_tooltipIdPrefix + owner.id, 'inframe', false, 'lifetime', domTT_lifetime, 'offsetX', domTT_offsetX, 'offsetY', domTT_offsetY, 'parent', document.body, 'position', 'absolute', 'styleClass', domTT_styleClass, 'type', 'greasy', 'trail', false, 'lazy', false );
// load in the options from the function call for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i += 2) { // load in predefined if (arguments[i] == 'predefined') { var predefinedOptions = domTT_predefined.get(arguments[i + 1]); for (var j in predefinedOptions.elementData) { options.set(j, predefinedOptions.get(j)); } } // set option else { options.set(arguments[i], arguments[i + 1]); } }
options.set('eventType', in_event != null ? in_event.type : null);
// immediately set the status text if provided if (options.has('statusText')) { try { window.status = options.get('statusText'); } catch(e) {} }
// if we didn't give content...assume we just wanted to change the status and return if (!options.has('content') || options.get('content') == '' || options.get('content') == null) { if (typeof(owner.onmouseout) != 'function') { owner.onmouseout = function(in_event) { domTT_mouseout(this, in_event); }; }
return owner.id; }
options.set('owner', owner);
// determine the show delay options.set('delay', (in_event != null && in_event.type.match(/click|mousedown|contextmenu/i)) ? 0 : parseInt(options.get('delay'))); domTT_tooltips.set(owner.id, options); domTT_tooltips.set(options.get('id'), options); options.set('status', 'pending'); options.set('activateTimeout', domLib_setTimeout(domTT_runShow, options.get('delay'), [owner.id, in_event]));
return owner.id; }
// }}} // {{{ domTT_create()
function domTT_create(in_options) { var tipOwner = in_options.get('owner'); var parentObj = in_options.get('parent'); var parentDoc = parentObj.ownerDocument || parentObj.document;
// create the tooltip and hide it // NOTE: two steps to avoid "flashing" in gecko var embryo = parentDoc.createElement('div'); var tipObj = parentObj.appendChild(embryo); tipObj.style.position = 'absolute'; tipObj.style.left = '0px'; tipObj.style.top = '0px'; tipObj.style.visibility = 'hidden'; tipObj.id = in_options.get('id'); tipObj.className = in_options.get('styleClass');
var contentBlock; var tableLayout = false;
if (in_options.get('caption') || (in_options.get('type') == 'sticky' && in_options.get('caption') !== false)) { tableLayout = true; // layout the tip with a hidden formatting table var tipLayoutTable = tipObj.appendChild(parentDoc.createElement('table')); tipLayoutTable.style.borderCollapse = 'collapse'; if (domLib_isKHTML) { tipLayoutTable.cellSpacing = 0; }
var tipLayoutTbody = tipLayoutTable.appendChild(parentDoc.createElement('tbody'));
var numCaptionCells = 0; var captionRow = tipLayoutTbody.appendChild(parentDoc.createElement('tr')); var captionCell = captionRow.appendChild(parentDoc.createElement('td')); captionCell.style.padding = '0px'; var caption = captionCell.appendChild(parentDoc.createElement('div')); caption.className = 'caption'; if (domLib_isIE50) { caption.style.height = '100%'; }
if (in_options.get('caption').nodeType) { caption.appendChild(domTT_cloneNodes ? in_options.get('caption').cloneNode(1) : in_options.get('caption')); } else { caption.innerHTML = in_options.get('caption'); }
if (in_options.get('type') == 'sticky') { var numCaptionCells = 2; var closeLinkCell = captionRow.appendChild(parentDoc.createElement('td')); closeLinkCell.style.padding = '0px'; var closeLink = closeLinkCell.appendChild(parentDoc.createElement('div')); closeLink.className = 'caption'; if (domLib_isIE50) { closeLink.style.height = '100%'; }
closeLink.style.textAlign = 'right'; closeLink.style.cursor = domLib_stylePointer; // merge the styles of the two cells closeLink.style.borderLeftWidth = caption.style.borderRightWidth = '0px'; closeLink.style.paddingLeft = caption.style.paddingRight = '0px'; closeLink.style.marginLeft = caption.style.marginRight = '0px'; if (in_options.get('closeLink').nodeType) { closeLink.appendChild(in_options.get('closeLink').cloneNode(1)); } else { closeLink.innerHTML = in_options.get('closeLink'); }
closeLink.onclick = function() { domTT_deactivate(tipOwner.id); }; closeLink.onmousedown = function(in_event) { if (typeof(in_event) == 'undefined') { in_event = window.event; } in_event.cancelBubble = true; }; // MacIE has to have a newline at the end and must be made with createTextNode() if (domLib_isMacIE) { closeLinkCell.appendChild(parentDoc.createTextNode("n")); } }
// MacIE has to have a newline at the end and must be made with createTextNode() if (domLib_isMacIE) { captionCell.appendChild(parentDoc.createTextNode("n")); }
var contentRow = tipLayoutTbody.appendChild(parentDoc.createElement('tr')); var contentCell = contentRow.appendChild(parentDoc.createElement('td')); contentCell.style.padding = '0px'; if (numCaptionCells) { if (domLib_isIE || domLib_isOpera) { contentCell.colSpan = numCaptionCells; } else { contentCell.setAttribute('colspan', numCaptionCells); } }
contentBlock = contentCell.appendChild(parentDoc.createElement('div')); if (domLib_isIE50) { contentBlock.style.height = '100%'; } } else { contentBlock = tipObj.appendChild(parentDoc.createElement('div')); }
contentBlock.className = 'contents';
var content = in_options.get('content'); // allow content has a function to return the actual content if (typeof(content) == 'function') { content = content(in_options.get('id')); }
if (content != null && content.nodeType) { contentBlock.appendChild(domTT_cloneNodes ? content.cloneNode(1) : content); } else { contentBlock.innerHTML = content; }
// adjust the width if specified if (in_options.has('width')) { tipObj.style.width = parseInt(in_options.get('width')) + 'px'; }
// check if we are overridding the maxWidth // if the browser supports maxWidth, the global setting will be ignored (assume stylesheet) var maxWidth = domTT_maxWidth; if (in_options.has('maxWidth')) { if ((maxWidth = in_options.get('maxWidth')) === false) { tipObj.style.maxWidth = domLib_styleNoMaxWidth; } else { maxWidth = parseInt(in_options.get('maxWidth')); tipObj.style.maxWidth = maxWidth + 'px'; } }
// HACK: fix lack of maxWidth in CSS for KHTML and IE if (maxWidth !== false && (domLib_isIE || domLib_isKHTML) && tipObj.offsetWidth > maxWidth) { tipObj.style.width = maxWidth + 'px'; }
in_options.set('offsetWidth', tipObj.offsetWidth); in_options.set('offsetHeight', tipObj.offsetHeight);
// konqueror miscalcuates the width of the containing div when using the layout table based on the // border size of the containing div if (domLib_isKonq && tableLayout && !tipObj.style.width) { var left = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(tipObj, '').getPropertyValue('border-left-width'); var right = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(tipObj, '').getPropertyValue('border-right-width'); left = left.substring(left.indexOf(':') + 2, left.indexOf(';')); right = right.substring(right.indexOf(':') + 2, right.indexOf(';')); var correction = 2 * ((left ? parseInt(left) : 0) + (right ? parseInt(right) : 0)); tipObj.style.width = (tipObj.offsetWidth - correction) + 'px'; }
// if a width is not set on an absolutely positioned object, both IE and Opera // will attempt to wrap when it spills outside of body...we cannot have that if (domLib_isIE || domLib_isOpera) { if (!tipObj.style.width) { // HACK: the correction here is for a border tipObj.style.width = (tipObj.offsetWidth - 2) + 'px'; }
// HACK: the correction here is for a border tipObj.style.height = (tipObj.offsetHeight - 2) + 'px'; }
// store placement offsets from event position var offsetX, offsetY;
// tooltip floats if (in_options.get('position') == 'absolute' && !(in_options.has('x') && in_options.has('y'))) { // determine the offset relative to the pointer switch (in_options.get('direction')) { case 'northeast': offsetX = in_options.get('offsetX'); offsetY = 0 - tipObj.offsetHeight - in_options.get('offsetY'); break; case 'northwest': offsetX = 0 - tipObj.offsetWidth - in_options.get('offsetX'); offsetY = 0 - tipObj.offsetHeight - in_options.get('offsetY'); break; case 'north': offsetX = 0 - parseInt(tipObj.offsetWidth/2); offsetY = 0 - tipObj.offsetHeight - in_options.get('offsetY'); break; case 'southwest': offsetX = 0 - tipObj.offsetWidth - in_options.get('offsetX'); offsetY = in_options.get('offsetY'); break; case 'southeast': offsetX = in_options.get('offsetX'); offsetY = in_options.get('offsetY'); break; case 'south': offsetX = 0 - parseInt(tipObj.offsetWidth/2); offsetY = in_options.get('offsetY'); break; }
// if we are in an iframe, get the offsets of the iframe in the parent document if (in_options.get('inframe')) { var iframeObj = domLib_getIFrameReference(window); if (iframeObj) { var frameOffsets = domLib_getOffsets(iframeObj); offsetX += frameOffsets.get('left'); offsetY += frameOffsets.get('top'); } } } // tooltip is fixed else { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; in_options.set('trail', false); }
// set the direction-specific offsetX/Y in_options.set('offsetX', offsetX); in_options.set('offsetY', offsetY); if (in_options.get('clearMouse') && in_options.get('direction').indexOf('south') != -1) { in_options.set('mouseOffset', domTT_mouseHeight); } else { in_options.set('mouseOffset', 0); }
if (domLib_canFade && typeof(Fadomatic) == 'function') { if (in_options.get('fade') != 'neither') { var fadeHandler = new Fadomatic(tipObj, 10, 0, 0, in_options.get('fadeMax')); in_options.set('fadeHandler', fadeHandler); } } else { in_options.set('fade', 'neither'); }
// setup mouse events if (in_options.get('trail') && typeof(tipOwner.onmousemove) != 'function') { tipOwner.onmousemove = function(in_event) { domTT_mousemove(this, in_event); }; }
if (typeof(tipOwner.onmouseout) != 'function') { tipOwner.onmouseout = function(in_event) { domTT_mouseout(this, in_event); }; }
if (in_options.get('type') == 'sticky') { if (in_options.get('position') == 'absolute' && domTT_dragEnabled && in_options.get('draggable')) { if (domLib_isIE) { captionRow.onselectstart = function() { return false; }; }
// setup drag captionRow.onmousedown = function(in_event) { domTT_dragStart(tipObj, in_event); }; captionRow.onmousemove = function(in_event) { domTT_dragUpdate(in_event); }; captionRow.onmouseup = function() { domTT_dragStop(); }; } } else if (in_options.get('type') == 'velcro') { /* can use once we have deactivateDelay tipObj.onmouseover = function(in_event) { if (typeof(in_event) == 'undefined') { in_event = window.event; } var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(tipObj.id); if (in_options.get('lifetime')) { domLib_clearTimeout(in_options.get('lifetimeTimeout'); } }; */ tipObj.onmouseout = function(in_event) { if (typeof(in_event) == 'undefined') { in_event = window.event; } if (!domLib_isDescendantOf(in_event[domLib_eventTo], tipObj, domTT_bannedTags)) { domTT_deactivate(tipOwner.id); } }; // NOTE: this might interfere with links in the tip tipObj.onclick = function(in_event) { domTT_deactivate(tipOwner.id); }; }
if (in_options.get('position') == 'relative') { tipObj.style.position = 'relative'; }
in_options.set('node', tipObj); in_options.set('status', 'inactive'); }
// }}} // {{{ domTT_show()
// in_id is either tip id or the owner id function domTT_show(in_id, in_event) {
// should always find one since this call would be cancelled if tip was killed var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(in_id); var status = tooltip.get('status'); var tipObj = tooltip.get('node');
if (tooltip.get('position') == 'absolute') { var mouseX, mouseY;
if (tooltip.has('x') && tooltip.has('y')) { mouseX = tooltip.get('x'); mouseY = tooltip.get('y'); } else if (!domTT_useGlobalMousePosition || domTT_mousePosition == null || status == 'active' || tooltip.get('delay') == 0) { var eventPosition = domLib_getEventPosition(in_event); var eventX = eventPosition.get('x'); var eventY = eventPosition.get('y'); if (tooltip.get('inframe')) { eventX -= eventPosition.get('scrollX'); eventY -= eventPosition.get('scrollY'); }
// only move tip along requested trail axis when updating position if (status == 'active' && tooltip.get('trail') !== true) { var trail = tooltip.get('trail'); if (trail == 'x') { mouseX = eventX; mouseY = tooltip.get('mouseY'); } else if (trail == 'y') { mouseX = tooltip.get('mouseX'); mouseY = eventY; } } else { mouseX = eventX; mouseY = eventY; } } else { mouseX = domTT_mousePosition.get('x'); mouseY = domTT_mousePosition.get('y'); if (tooltip.get('inframe')) { mouseX -= domTT_mousePosition.get('scrollX'); mouseY -= domTT_mousePosition.get('scrollY'); } }
// we are using a grid for updates if (tooltip.get('grid')) { // if this is not a mousemove event or it is a mousemove event on an active tip and // the movement is bigger than the grid if (in_event.type != 'mousemove' || (status == 'active' && (Math.abs(tooltip.get('lastX') - mouseX) > tooltip.get('grid') || Math.abs(tooltip.get('lastY') - mouseY) > tooltip.get('grid')))) { tooltip.set('lastX', mouseX); tooltip.set('lastY', mouseY); } // did not satisfy the grid movement requirement else { return false; } }
// mouseX and mouseY store the last acknowleged mouse position, // good for trailing on one axis tooltip.set('mouseX', mouseX); tooltip.set('mouseY', mouseY);
var coordinates; if (domTT_screenEdgeDetection) { coordinates = domTT_correctEdgeBleed( tooltip.get('offsetWidth'), tooltip.get('offsetHeight'), mouseX, mouseY, tooltip.get('offsetX'), tooltip.get('offsetY'), tooltip.get('mouseOffset'), tooltip.get('inframe') ? window.parent : window ); } else { coordinates = { 'x' : mouseX + tooltip.get('offsetX'), 'y' : mouseY + tooltip.get('offsetY') + tooltip.get('mouseOffset') }; }
// update the position tipObj.style.left = coordinates.x + 'px'; tipObj.style.top = coordinates.y + 'px';
// increase the tip zIndex so it goes over previously shown tips tipObj.style.zIndex = domLib_zIndex++; }
// if tip is not active, active it now and check for a fade in if (status == 'pending') { // unhide the tooltip tooltip.set('status', 'active'); tipObj.style.display = ''; tipObj.style.visibility = 'visible';
var fade = tooltip.get('fade'); if (fade != 'neither') { var fadeHandler = tooltip.get('fadeHandler'); if (fade == 'out' || fade == 'both') { fadeHandler.haltFade(); if (fade == 'out') { fadeHandler.halt(); } }
if (fade == 'in' || fade == 'both') { fadeHandler.fadeIn(); } }
if (tooltip.get('type') == 'greasy' && tooltip.get('lifetime') != 0) { tooltip.set('lifetimeTimeout', domLib_setTimeout(domTT_runDeactivate, tooltip.get('lifetime'), [tipObj.id])); } }
if (tooltip.get('position') == 'absolute' && domTT_detectCollisions) { // utilize original collision element cache domLib_detectCollisions(tipObj, false, true); } }
// }}} // {{{ domTT_close()
// in_handle can either be an child object of the tip, the tip id or the owner id function domTT_close(in_handle) { var id; if (typeof(in_handle) == 'object' && in_handle.nodeType) { var obj = in_handle; while (!obj.id || !domTT_tooltips.get(obj.id)) { obj = obj.parentNode; if (obj.nodeType != document.ELEMENT_NODE) { return; } }
id = obj.id; } else { id = in_handle; }
domTT_deactivate(id); }
// }}} // {{{ domTT_closeAll()
// run through the tooltips and close them all function domTT_closeAll() { // NOTE: this will iterate 2x # of tooltips for (var id in domTT_tooltips.elementData) { domTT_close(id); } }
// }}} // {{{ domTT_deactivate()
// in_id is either the tip id or the owner id function domTT_deactivate(in_id) { var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(in_id); if (tooltip) { var status = tooltip.get('status'); if (status == 'pending') { // cancel the creation of this tip if it is still pending domLib_clearTimeout(tooltip.get('activateTimeout')); tooltip.set('status', 'inactive'); } else if (status == 'active') { if (tooltip.get('lifetime')) { domLib_clearTimeout(tooltip.get('lifetimeTimeout')); }
var tipObj = tooltip.get('node'); if (tooltip.get('closeAction') == 'hide') { var fade = tooltip.get('fade'); if (fade != 'neither') { var fadeHandler = tooltip.get('fadeHandler'); if (fade == 'out' || fade == 'both') { fadeHandler.fadeOut(); } else { fadeHandler.hide(); } } else { tipObj.style.display = 'none'; } } else { tooltip.get('parent').removeChild(tipObj); domTT_tooltips.remove(tooltip.get('owner').id); domTT_tooltips.remove(tooltip.get('id')); }
tooltip.set('status', 'inactive'); if (domTT_detectCollisions) { // unhide all of the selects that are owned by this object // utilize original collision element cache domLib_detectCollisions(tipObj, true, true); } } } }
// }}} // {{{ domTT_mouseout()
function domTT_mouseout(in_owner, in_event) { if (!domLib_useLibrary) { return false; }
if (typeof(in_event) == 'undefined') { in_event = window.event; }
var toChild = domLib_isDescendantOf(in_event[domLib_eventTo], in_owner, domTT_bannedTags); var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(in_owner.id); if (tooltip && (tooltip.get('type') == 'greasy' || tooltip.get('status') != 'active')) { // deactivate tip if exists and we moved away from the owner if (!toChild) { domTT_deactivate(in_owner.id); try { window.status = window.defaultStatus; } catch(e) {} } } else if (!toChild) { try { window.status = window.defaultStatus; } catch(e) {} } }
// }}} // {{{ domTT_mousemove()
function domTT_mousemove(in_owner, in_event) { if (!domLib_useLibrary) { return false; }
if (typeof(in_event) == 'undefined') { in_event = window.event; }
var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(in_owner.id); if (tooltip && tooltip.get('trail') && tooltip.get('status') == 'active') { // see if we are trailing lazy if (tooltip.get('lazy')) { domLib_setTimeout(domTT_runShow, domTT_trailDelay, [in_owner.id, in_event]); } else { domTT_show(in_owner.id, in_event); } } }
// }}} // {{{ domTT_addPredefined()
function domTT_addPredefined(in_id) { var options = new Hash(); for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 2) { options.set(arguments[i], arguments[i + 1]); }
domTT_predefined.set(in_id, options); }
// }}} // {{{ domTT_correctEdgeBleed()
function domTT_correctEdgeBleed(in_width, in_height, in_x, in_y, in_offsetX, in_offsetY, in_mouseOffset, in_window) { var win, doc; var bleedRight, bleedBottom; var pageHeight, pageWidth, pageYOffset, pageXOffset;
var x = in_x + in_offsetX; var y = in_y + in_offsetY + in_mouseOffset;
win = (typeof(in_window) == 'undefined' ? window : in_window);
// Gecko and IE swaps values of clientHeight, clientWidth properties when // in standards compliance mode from documentElement to document.body doc = ((domLib_standardsMode && (domLib_isIE || domLib_isGecko)) ? win.document.documentElement : win.document.body);
// for IE in compliance mode if (domLib_isIE) { pageHeight = doc.clientHeight; pageWidth = doc.clientWidth; pageYOffset = doc.scrollTop; pageXOffset = doc.scrollLeft; } else { pageHeight = doc.clientHeight; pageWidth = doc.clientWidth;
if (domLib_isKHTML) { pageHeight = win.innerHeight; }
pageYOffset = win.pageYOffset; pageXOffset = win.pageXOffset; }
// we are bleeding off the right, move tip over to stay on page // logic: take x position, add width and subtract from effective page width if ((bleedRight = (x - pageXOffset) + in_width - (pageWidth - domTT_screenEdgePadding)) > 0) { x -= bleedRight; }
// we are bleeding to the left, move tip over to stay on page // if tip doesn't fit, we will go back to bleeding off the right // logic: take x position and check if less than edge padding if ((x - pageXOffset) < domTT_screenEdgePadding) { x = domTT_screenEdgePadding + pageXOffset; }
// if we are bleeding off the bottom, flip to north // logic: take y position, add height and subtract from effective page height if ((bleedBottom = (y - pageYOffset) + in_height - (pageHeight - domTT_screenEdgePadding)) > 0) { y = in_y - in_height - in_offsetY; }
// if we are bleeding off the top, flip to south // if tip doesn't fit, we will go back to bleeding off the bottom // logic: take y position and check if less than edge padding if ((y - pageYOffset) < domTT_screenEdgePadding) { y = in_y + domTT_mouseHeight + in_offsetY; }
return {'x' : x, 'y' : y}; }
// }}} // {{{ domTT_isActive()
// in_id is either the tip id or the owner id function domTT_isActive(in_id) { var tooltip = domTT_tooltips.get(in_id); if (!tooltip || tooltip.get('status') != 'active') { return false; } else { return true; } }
// }}} // {{{ domTT_runXXX()
// All of these domMenu_runXXX() methods are used by the event handling sections to // avoid the circular memory leaks caused by inner functions function domTT_runDeactivate(args) { domTT_deactivate(args[0]); } function domTT_runShow(args) { domTT_show(args[0], args[1]); }
// }}} // {{{ domTT_replaceTitles()
function domTT_replaceTitles(in_decorator) { var elements = domLib_getElementsByClass('tooltip'); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (elements[i].title) { var content; if (typeof(in_decorator) == 'function') { content = in_decorator(elements[i]); } else { content = elements[i].title; }
content = content.replace(new RegExp(''', 'g'), '\''); elements[i].onmouseover = new Function('in_event', "domTT_activate(this, in_event, 'content', '" + content + "')"); elements[i].title = ''; } } }
// }}} // {{{ domTT_update()
// Allow authors to update the contents of existing tips using the DOM // Unfortunately, the tip must already exist, or else no work is done. // TODO: make getting at content or caption cleaner function domTT_update(handle, content, type) { // type defaults to 'content', can also be 'caption' if (typeof(type) == 'undefined') { type = 'content'; }
var tip = domTT_tooltips.get(handle); if (!tip) { return; }
var tipObj = tip.get('node'); var updateNode; if (type == 'content') { // <div class="contents">... updateNode = tipObj.firstChild; if (updateNode.className != 'contents') { // <table><tbody><tr>...</tr><tr><td><div class="contents">... updateNode = updateNode.firstChild.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild; } } else { updateNode = tipObj.firstChild; if (updateNode.className == 'contents') { // missing caption return; }
// <table><tbody><tr><td><div class="caption">... updateNode = updateNode.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; }
// TODO: allow for a DOM node as content updateNode.innerHTML = content; }
// }}}
</script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> /* Behaviour v1.1 by Ben Nolan, June 2005. Based largely on the work of Simon Willison (see comments by Simon below).
Description: Uses css selectors to apply javascript behaviours to enable unobtrusive javascript in html documents. Usage: var myrules = { 'b.someclass' : function(element){ element.onclick = function(){ alert(this.innerHTML); } }, '#someid u' : function(element){ element.onmouseover = function(){ this.innerHTML = "BLAH!"; } } }; Behaviour.register(myrules); // Call Behaviour.apply() to re-apply the rules (if you // update the dom, etc).
License: This file is entirely BSD licensed. More information: http://ripcord.co.nz/behaviour/ */
var Behaviour = { list : new Array, register : function(sheet){ Behaviour.list.push(sheet); }, start : function(){ Behaviour.addLoadEvent(function(){ Behaviour.apply(); }); }, apply : function(){ for (h=0;sheet=Behaviour.list[h];h++){ for (selector in sheet){ list = document.getElementsBySelector(selector); if (!list){ continue; }
for (i=0;element=list[i];i++){ sheet[selector](element); } } } }, addLoadEvent : function(func){ var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { oldonload(); func(); } } } }
/* The following code is Copyright (C) Simon Willison 2004.
document.getElementsBySelector(selector) - returns an array of element objects from the current document matching the CSS selector. Selectors can contain element names, class names and ids and can be nested. For example: elements = document.getElementsBySelect('div#main p a.external') Will return an array of all 'a' elements with 'external' in their class attribute that are contained inside 'p' elements that are contained inside the 'div' element which has id="main"
New in version 0.4: Support for CSS2 and CSS3 attribute selectors: See http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#attribute-selectors
Version 0.4 - Simon Willison, March 25th 2003 -- Works in Phoenix 0.5, Mozilla 1.3, Opera 7, Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 5 on Windows -- Opera 7 fails */
function getAllChildren(e) { // Returns all children of element. Workaround required for IE5/Windows. Ugh. return e.all ? e.all : e.getElementsByTagName('*'); }
document.getElementsBySelector = function(selector) { // Attempt to fail gracefully in lesser browsers if (!document.getElementsByTagName) { return new Array(); } // Split selector in to tokens var tokens = selector.split(' '); var currentContext = new Array(document); for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { token = tokens[i].replace(/^s+/,'').replace(/s+$/,'');; if (token.indexOf('#') > -1) { // Token is an ID selector var bits = token.split('#'); var tagName = bits[0]; var id = bits[1]; var element = document.getElementById(id); if (tagName && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() != tagName) { // tag with that ID not found, return false return new Array(); } // Set currentContext to contain just this element currentContext = new Array(element); continue; // Skip to next token } if (token.indexOf('.') > -1) { // Token contains a class selector var bits = token.split('.'); var tagName = bits[0]; var className = bits[1]; if (!tagName) { tagName = '*'; } // Get elements matching tag, filter them for class selector var found = new Array; var foundCount = 0; for (var h = 0; h < currentContext.length; h++) { var elements; if (tagName == '*') { elements = getAllChildren(currentContext[h]); } else { elements = currentContext[h].getElementsByTagName(tagName); } for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { found[foundCount++] = elements[j]; } } currentContext = new Array; var currentContextIndex = 0; for (var k = 0; k < found.length; k++) { if (found[k].className && found[k].className.match(new RegExp('\b'+className+'\b'))) { currentContext[currentContextIndex++] = found[k]; } } continue; // Skip to next token } // Code to deal with attribute selectors if (token.match(/^(w*)[(w+)([=~|^$*]?)=?"?([^]"]*)"?]$/)) { var tagName = RegExp.$1; var attrName = RegExp.$2; var attrOperator = RegExp.$3; var attrValue = RegExp.$4; if (!tagName) { tagName = '*'; } // Grab all of the tagName elements within current context var found = new Array; var foundCount = 0; for (var h = 0; h < currentContext.length; h++) { var elements; if (tagName == '*') { elements = getAllChildren(currentContext[h]); } else { elements = currentContext[h].getElementsByTagName(tagName); } for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { found[foundCount++] = elements[j]; } } currentContext = new Array; var currentContextIndex = 0; var checkFunction; // This function will be used to filter the elements switch (attrOperator) { case '=': // Equality checkFunction = function(e) { return (e.getAttribute(attrName) == attrValue); }; break; case '~': // Match one of space seperated words checkFunction = function(e) { return (e.getAttribute(attrName).match(new RegExp('\b'+attrValue+'\b'))); }; break; case '|': // Match start with value followed by optional hyphen checkFunction = function(e) { return (e.getAttribute(attrName).match(new RegExp('^'+attrValue+'-?'))); }; break; case '^': // Match starts with value checkFunction = function(e) { return (e.getAttribute(attrName).indexOf(attrValue) == 0); }; break; case '$': // Match ends with value - fails with "Warning" in Opera 7 checkFunction = function(e) { return (e.getAttribute(attrName).lastIndexOf(attrValue) == e.getAttribute(attrName).length - attrValue.length); }; break; case '*': // Match ends with value checkFunction = function(e) { return (e.getAttribute(attrName).indexOf(attrValue) > -1); }; break; default : // Just test for existence of attribute checkFunction = function(e) { return e.getAttribute(attrName); }; } currentContext = new Array; var currentContextIndex = 0; for (var k = 0; k < found.length; k++) { if (checkFunction(found[k])) { currentContext[currentContextIndex++] = found[k]; } } // alert('Attribute Selector: '+tagName+' '+attrName+' '+attrOperator+' '+attrValue); continue; // Skip to next token } if (!currentContext[0]){ return; } // If we get here, token is JUST an element (not a class or ID selector) tagName = token; var found = new Array; var foundCount = 0; for (var h = 0; h < currentContext.length; h++) { var elements = currentContext[h].getElementsByTagName(tagName); for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { found[foundCount++] = elements[j]; } } currentContext = found; } return currentContext; }
/* That revolting regular expression explained /^(w+)[(w+)([=~|^$*]?)=?"?([^]"]*)"?]$/ ---/ ---/-------------/ -------/ | | | | | | | The value | | ~,|,^,$,* or = | Attribute Tag */
</script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var domTT_styleClass = 'niceTitle'; </script> </head> <body> <div class="title">Example 9: Auto-generated Tips</div> <div class="main"> <p>In order to reduce the footprint of the DOM Tooltip library, the tips can be automatically created by reading the 'title' attribute on the page elements. To enable this feature, call the function 'domTT_replaceTitles()' at the bottom of the page.* This function looks for elements that contain the class 'tooltip' and have a 'title' attribute set. The title attribute is replaced with a custom tooltip. The 'domTT_replaceTitles()' function also takes an optional decorator function, which can be used to customize the rendering of the title content within the tooltip.</p> <p>Another way to abstract the usage of the DOM Tooltip library is to use the integration with the behaviour library, which is used in the third example below. This library uses CSS selectors to define javascript behaviour on an html element. This method of defining tooltips is strongly encouraged, since it enables seperation of html and javascript. It also prevents lock-in to the DOM Tooltip library.</p> <p> <strong title="That's what a tooltip is for!" class="tooltip">Need help?</strong> </p> <p class="small">* Using this feature takes away some of the functionality of the tooltip library. This problem might be addressed in future releases.</p> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function nicetitleDecorator(el) { var result = el.title; if (el.href) { result += '<p>' + el.href + '</p>'; }
return result; }
domTT_replaceTitles(nicetitleDecorator); var tooltips = { 'span.tooltip1' : function(element) { element.onmouseover = function(event) { domTT_activate(this, event, 'content', 'After all the work of WASP and others to promote clean markup, valid pages and graceful degradataion via css - it sucks that we're going back to tag soup days by throwing javascript tags into our html. The better way to do javascript is to do it unobtrusively, using the behaviour library.', 'trail', true); } } } Behaviour.register(tooltips); </script> </body> </html>