/* JavaScript Bible, Fourth Edition by Danny Goodman
John Wiley & Sons CopyRight 2001 */
<HTML onClick="alert('Event is now at the HTML element.')"> <HEAD> <TITLE>Event Bubbles</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function init() { window.onclick = winEvent document.onclick = docEvent document.body.onclick = docBodEvent } function winEvent() { alert("Event is now at the window object level.") } function docEvent() { alert("Event is now at the document object level.") } function docBodEvent() { alert("Event is now at the BODY element.") } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY onLoad="init()"> <H1>Event Bubbles</H1> <HR> <FORM onClick="alert('Event is now at the FORM element.')"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Button 'main1'" NAME="main1" onClick="alert('Event started at Button: ' + this.name)"> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML>
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