fs = new FlashSound(); fs.setSWF("images/sndfx.swf"); HTMLComponent.setFlashSound(fs); // Set FlashSound object for all HCs
// Mozilla will collapse/expand table cells whenever the content of the layer changes. To solve this, specify a width for your table cells var tp = new Template('This clock will alarm every 15 seconds<br><br><center><table background="images/blue_back_strip.gif" border="0"><tr><td width="90" height="90">{@fld}</td></tr></table></center>',100,100,200,200,'#EEEEEE');
var dt = new Date(); dt = Date.parse(dt)+15000 tp.fld.setAlarm(dt); // or we could do tp.fld.setAlarm('13:30:00'); tp.fld.addEventListener({ onalarm : function(e){ var dt = new Date(); status='This is an alarm @' + dt; dt = Date.parse(dt)+15000 tp.fld.setAlarm(dt); } }); dynapi.document.addChild(tp);