JavaScript Widgets -- Examples/Notes
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<SCRIPT language=JavaScript> <!-- //For almost all examples, some initialization may be necessary for maximum cross-browser //compatibility. function initialize() { activateMenus(); activateFootnotes('a'); } //--> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY background=noteBasedonJavascript_files/researchbg.gif onload=initialize();> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> <!--
if (is.w3c || is.ie4 || (is.ns4 && !is.hj)) { var barTop = 20; var barLeft = 50; var barWidth = 370; var barHeight = 44; var itemPadding = 5; var barImage = "/images/title.png"; drawHMenuBar(barLeft,barTop,barWidth,barHeight,itemPadding,barImage); } if (is.w3c) { document.writeln('<div style="position : relative; top : 15px; float : right; padding-right : 42px; text-align : right">'); document.writeln('<a href=""><img src="" width="210" height="62" border="0" alt="SourceForge Logo"></a>'); document.writeln('</div>'); } else if (is.ns4) { document.writeln('<layer top="20" left="400">'); document.writeln('<a href=""><img src="" width="210" height="62" border="0" alt="SourceForge Logo"></a>'); document.writeln('</layer>'); } //--> </SCRIPT>
<DIV onmouseover=clearAll(); style="LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 100%; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 100px"> <DIV class=pad50> <H2>Examples/Notes</H2> <P>The following example shows how dynamic footnotes might be included in a document... </P> <P>Any browser-specific comments can be found in brackets here -- <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> <!-- if (is.op) { document.writeln("[This example doesn't work at all with Opera.]"); } else if (is.mza || is.ns6 || is.gla) { document.writeln("[The timeout feature doesn't work with Mozilla, Netscape 6 or Galeon. Also, the event object model here is different from the Explorer global event model.]"); } else if (is.kq) { document.writeln("[With Konqueror, the page is redrawn when a layer pops up. This can sometimes confuse "mouseover" events and the note might not go away when the mouse is moved away.]"); } //--> </SCRIPT> </P> <P>In a typical paragraph with footnotes, there is a bunch of text, followed by a note. The note is represented, as here, by a hypertext <A class=note name=link></A>. That link should, as a matter of style, be indicated in the form of a number, as here <A class=note name=2></A>. Footnotes can, with some browsers, be set up with a timeout feature, as with this <A class=note name=timed></A>link. I have set this one to time out after 4 seconds. To test this feature properly in a variety of browsers, I have inserted notes that appear in those browsers. </P> <DIV class=footnote id=notelink style="WIDTH: 400px">This first footnote is activated by moving the mouse over the "link" a-link. I have set the width of this footnote to 400 pixels. </DIV> <DIV class=footnote id=note2 style="WIDTH: 300px">This second example is activated by moving the mouse over the "2" a-link. I have set the width of this footnote to 300 pixels. </DIV> <DIV class=footnote id=notetimed style="WIDTH: 400px" timeout="4">This third example is actived by moving the mouse over the "timed" a-link. I have set this one up to have a 4-second hold time. </DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY></HTML>
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