/* JavaScript Bible, Fourth Edition by Danny Goodman
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons CopyRight 2001 ISBN: 0764533428 */
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>MAP Element Object</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> // generate area elements on the fly function makeAreas() { document.myIMG.src = "desk3.gif" // build area element objects var area1 = document.createElement("AREA") area1.href = "http://www.navioo.com" area1.shape = "polygon"
area1.coords = "52,28,108,35,119,29,119,8,63,0,52,28" var area2 = document.createElement("AREA") area2.href = "http://www.navioo.com" area2.shape = "rect" area2.coords = "75,65,117,87" var area3 = document.createElement("AREA") area3.href = "http://www.navioo.com" area3.shape = "polygon" area3.coords = "68,51,73,51,69,32,68,51" var area4 = document.createElement("AREA") area4.href = "http://www.navioo.com" area4.shape = "rect" area4.coords = "0,0,50,120" // stuff new elements into MAP child nodes if (document.all) { // works for IE4+ document.all.lampMap.areas.length = 0 document.all.lampMap.areas[0] = area1 document.all.lampMap.areas[1] = area2 document.all.lampMap.areas[2] = area3 document.all.lampMap.areas[3] = area4 } else if (document.getElementById) { // NN6 adheres to node model var mapObj = document.getElementById("lamp_map") while (mapObj.childNodes.length) { mapObj.removeChild(mapObj.firstChild) } mapObj.appendChild(area1) mapObj.appendChild(area2) mapObj.appendChild(area3) mapObj.appendChild(area4) // workaround NN6 display bug document.myIMG.style.display = "inline" } function changeToKeyboard() { document.myIMG.src = "cpu2.gif" document.myIMG.useMap = "#keyboardMap" } function changeToLamp() { document.myIMG.src = "desk3.gif" document.myIMG.useMap = "#lampMap" } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>MAP Element Object</H1> <HR> <IMG NAME="myIMG" SRC="cpu2.gif" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=90 USEMAP="#keyboardMap"> <FORM> <P><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Load Lamp Image" onClick="changeToLamp()"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Write Map on the Fly" onClick="makeAreas()"></P> <P> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Load Keyboard Image" onClick="changeToKeyboard()"></P> </FORM> <MAP NAME="keyboardMap"> <AREA HREF="AlpaKeys.htm" SHAPE="rect" COORDS="0,0,26,42"> <AREA HREF="ArrowKeys.htm" SHAPE="polygon" COORDS="48,89,57,77,69,82,77,70,89,78,84,89,48,89"> <AREA HREF="PageKeys.htm" SHAPE="circle" COORDS="104,51,14"> </MAP> <MAP NAME="lampMap"> <AREA HREF="Shade.htm" SHAPE="polygon" COORDS="52,28,108,35,119,29,119,8,63,0,52,28"> <AREA HREF="Base.htm" SHAPE="rect" COORDS="75,65,117,87"> <AREA HREF="Chain.htm" SHAPE="polygon" COORDS="68,51,73,51,69,32,68,51"> </MAP> </BODY> </HTML>