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<script type="text/javascript"> YAHOO.example.init = function() { var attributes = { points: { to: YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY('target'), control: [ [100, 800], [0, 200], [500, 500] ] } };
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</head> <body id="animation-demo-motion"> <div id="doc"> <h1>Motion Example - Using Multiple Control Points</h1> <p>This example demonstrates how to animate an element's position with multiple control points to create a curved path.</p> <p> Any number of control points may be used, but keep in mind that the more control points, the more work the animation has to do, so performance may suffer.</p> <p>Click anywhere to start animation.</p> <div id="demo"></div> <div id="target"></div> </div> </body> </html>