/* JavaScript Bible, Fourth Edition by Danny Goodman
John Wiley & Sons CopyRight 2001 */
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>layer.style.visibility (W3C)</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function setOuterVis(type) { document.getElementById("outerDisplay").style.visibility = type } function setInnerVis(type) { document.getElementById("innerDisplay").style.visibility = type } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>Setting the <TT>layer.style.visibility</TT> Property of Nested Layers (W3C)</H1> <HR> Click the buttons to see what happens when you change the visibility of the <FONT COLOR="coral">outer layer</FONT> and <FONT COLOR="aquamarine">inner layer</FONT> objects.<P> <DIV STYLE="position:absolute; top:150; width:180; background-color:coral"> <FORM> Control outer layer property:<BR>