<html> <head> <!-- CryptoMX Tools Copyright (C) 2004 - 2006 Derek Buitenhuis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. --> <title>Number Base Converter</title> </head> <body> <script language=JavaScript> <!--calc function doBaseCon() { form=document.forms[0]; from=form.from.value;to=form.to.value;val=""+form.val.value;
if(check(to,0)==1 || check(from,0)==1){form.res.value="Bases must be integer (excluding -1, 0, +1).";return;} if(to==0 || from==0){form.res.value="That base is a mathematical impossibility.";return;} if(to==-1 || to==1 || from==-1 || from==1){form.res.value="I don't think that base will work so well.";return;}
} function check(n,dec) { np=0;e=0;l=n.length; for(r=0;r<l;r++) { c=n.substring(r,r+1); if(c<"0" || c>"9") { e2=1; if(c=="." && np==0 && dec==1){np++;e2=0;} if((c=="+" || c=="-")&& r==0 && l>1){e2=0} e=e | e2; } }if(n=="-." || n=="+.") return 1; return e; }
function clr() { f=document.forms[0]; f.res.value=""; }
function format(num) { if(""+num=="NaN"){return "Check that input."}
txt=""; if(num<0){txt+="-"; num*=-1} for(n=0; n<11; n++) { dig=Math.floor(num); num=(num-dig)*10; txt+=dig; if(n==0)txt+="."; } return txt; }
function baseCon(from,to,val) { val2=baseXCon10(from,val); if(""+val2=="nh")sum="No alpha-numerics in base "+from+" numbers."; else sum=base10ConX(to,val2); return sum;
} function baseXCon10(from,val){ val=""+val;sum=0;sgn=1;pl=0;div=1; for(a=0;a<val.length;a++) { ch=val.substring(a,a+1); if(ch=="+" && a==0)sgn=1; else { if(ch=="-" && a==0)sgn=-1; else { if(ch==".")div=pl; else { if(ch>='0' && ch<='9')dg=1*ch; ch=ch.toUpperCase(); if(ch=='A')dg=10;if(ch=='B')dg=11;if(ch=='C')dg=12;if(ch=='D')dg=13;if(ch=='E')dg=14;if(ch=='F')dg=15; if(ch>='A' && ch<='Z' && from<=10 && from>0) {nh="nh"; return nh;} sum+=Math.pow(from,pl)*dg; pl--; } } }
} if(div==1)div=pl; sum/=Math.pow(from,div+1); if(sum>1000000 && sum-Math.floor(sum)<.000001) sum=Math.floor(sum); if(sum>1000000 && Math.ceil(sum)-sum<.000001) sum=Math.ceil(sum); sum*=sgn; round=1000000000000 sum=Math.floor(sum*round+.5)/round; return sum; } function base10ConX(to,val) { //to new if(val<0){sgn="-";val=-val;}else{sgn="";} sum="";
start=0;rem=0;digits=0; if(c==0)sum="0"; while(Math.abs(c)>=1) { d=c-Math.floor(c/to)*to; dfl=Math.floor(d); if(dfl!=d){rem=d-dfl;d=dfl;} if(Math.abs(d)>Math.abs(to)) d=0; c=Math.floor(c/to); if((start==0 && d!=0) || c<val*to)start=1;start=1; sum=""+alp(d,to)+sum; digits++;
} c=val-Math.floor(val)+rem; if(c!=0) {//decimals sum+="."; for(a=0;a<32/Math.log(to)-digits;a++) { if(c==0)break; d=Math.floor(c*to); if(to<0 && d==to) break; c=c*to-d; sum+=alp(d,to); } } sum=sgn+sum;
return sum; } function alp(d,to) { if(d>=0 && d<=9)w=""+d; if(to>=10 && to<=36) { if(d==10)w="A";if(d==11)w="B";if(d==12)w="C";if(d==13)w="D";if(d==14)w="E";if(d==15)w="F";if(d==16)w="G";if(d==17)w="H";if(d==18)w="I";if(d==19)w="J";if(d==20)w="K";if(d==21)w="L";if(d==22)w="M";if(d==23)w="N";if(d==24)w="o";if(d==25)w="P";if(d==26)w="Q";if(d==27)w="R";if(d==28)w="S";if(d==29)w="T";if(d==20)w="U";if(d==31)w="V";if(d==32)w="W";if(d==33)w="X";if(d==34)w="Y";if(d==35)w="Z"; } if(d<0 || d>35 || (d>9 && to>36)) w="["+d+"]"; return w; }
//--> </script> <td> </td> <td vAlign=top> <p><font color=#000000 size=5><b>Number Base Converter</b></font></p> <p><font color=#000000 size=3>Convert numbers from one base to another.</font></p> <table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 border=1> <form name=inp> <tbody> <tr bgColor=#ffffff> <td>from base</td> <td>to base</td> <td>value to convert</td></tr> <tr bgColor=#ffffff> <td><input onmousedown=clr() size=5 value=10 name=from> </td> <td><input onmousedown=clr() size=5 value=16 name=to> </td> <td><input onmousedown=clr() size=50 value=256 name=val> </td></tr> <tr bgColor=#ffffff> <td><input onclick=doBaseCon() type=button value=calculate name=button> </td> <td colSpan=2><input size=50 name=res> </td></tr></form></tbody></table> </td> </tr> </body> </html>