<html> <head> <!-- CryptoMX Tools Copyright (C) 2004 - 2006 Derek Buitehuis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. --> <title>RSA Encoding</title> </head> <body> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- var dg='' function makeArray(n) { for (var i=1; i<=n; i++) { this[i]=0 } return this } function rc4(key, text) { var i, x, y, t, x2; status("rc4") s=makeArray(0);
for (i=0; i<256; i++) { s[i]=i } y=0 for (x=0; x<256; x++) { y=(key.charCodeAt(x % key.length) + s[x] + y) % 256 t=s[x]; s[x]=s[y]; s[y]=t } x=0; y=0; var z="" for (x=0; x<text.length; x++) { x2=x % 256 y=( s[x2] + y) % 256 t=s[x2]; s[x2]=s[y]; s[y]=t z+= String.fromCharCode((text.charCodeAt(x) ^ s[(s[x2] + s[y]) % 256])) } return z } function badd(a,b) { // binary add var r='' var c=0 while(a || b) { c=chop(a)+chop(b)+c a=a.slice(0,-1); b=b.slice(0,-1) if(c & 1) { r="1"+r } else { r="0"+r } c>>=1 } if(c) {r="1"+r} return r } function chop(a) { if(a.length) { return parseInt(a.charAt(a.length-1)) } else { return 0 } } function bsub(a,b) { // binary subtract var r='' var c=0 while(a) { c=chop(a)-chop(b)-c a=a.slice(0,-1); b=b.slice(0,-1) if(c==0) { r="0"+r } if(c == 1) { r="1"+r c=0 } if(c == -1) { r="1"+r c=1 } if(c==-2) { r="0"+r c=1 } } if(b || c) {return ''} return bnorm(r) } function bnorm(r) { // trim off leading 0s var i=r.indexOf('1') if(i == -1) { return '0' } else { return r.substr(i) } } function bmul(a,b) { // binary multiply var r=''; var p='' while(a) { if(chop(a) == '1') { r=badd(r,b+p) } a=a.slice(0,-1) p+='0' } return r; } function bmod(a,m) { // binary modulo return bdiv(a,m).mod } function bdiv(a,m) { // binary divide & modulo // this.q = quotient this.mod=remainder var lm=m.length, al=a.length var p='',d this.q='' for(n=0; n<al; n++) { p=p+a.charAt(n); if(p.length<lm || (d=bsub(p,m)) == '') { this.q+='0' } else { if(this.q.charAt(0)=='0') { this.q='1' } else { this.q+="1" } p=d } } this.mod=bnorm(p) return this } function bmodexp(x,y,m) { // binary modular exponentiation var r='1' status("bmodexp "+x+" "+y+" "+m)
while(y) { if(chop(y) == 1) { r=bmod(bmul(r,x),m) } y=y.slice(0,y.length-1) x=bmod(bmul(x,x),m) } return bnorm(r) } function modexp(x,y,m) { // modular exponentiation // convert packed bits (text) into strings of 0s and 1s return b2t(bmodexp(t2b(x),t2b(y),t2b(m))) } function i2b(i) { // convert integer to binary var r='' while(i) { if(i & 1) { r="1"+r} else {r="0"+r} i>>=1; } return r? r:'0' } function t2b(s) { var r='' if(s=='') {return '0'} while(s.length) { var i=s.charCodeAt(0) s=s.substr(1) for(n=0; n<8; n++) { r=((i & 1)? '1':'0') + r i>>=1; } } return bnorm(r) } function b2t(b) { var r=''; var v=0; var m=1 while(b.length) { v|=chop(b)*m b=b.slice(0,-1) m<<=1 if(m==256 || b=='') { r+=String.fromCharCode(v) v=0; m=1 } } return r } b64s='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_"' function textToBase64(t) { status("t 2 b64") var r=''; var m=0; var a=0; var tl=t.length-1; var c for(n=0; n<=tl; n++) { c=t.charCodeAt(n) r+=b64s.charAt((c << m | a) & 63) a = c >> (6-m) m+=2 if(m==6 || n==tl) { r+=b64s.charAt(a) if((n%45)==44) {r+="n"} m=0 a=0 } } return r } function base64ToText(t) { status("b64 2 t") var r=''; var m=0; var a=0; var c for(n=0; n<t.length; n++) { c=b64s.indexOf(t.charAt(n)) if(c >= 0) { if(m) { r+=String.fromCharCode((c << (8-m))&255 | a) } a = c >> m m+=2 if(m==8) { m=0 } } } return r }
function rand(n) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * n) } function rstring(s,l) { var r="" var sl=s.length while(l-->0) { r+=s.charAt(rand(sl)) } //status("rstring "+r) return r } function key2(k) { var l=k.length var kl=l var r='' while(l--) { r+=k.charAt((l*3)%kl) } return r } function rsaEncrypt(keylen,key,mod,text) { // I read that rc4 with keys larger than 256 bytes doesn't significantly // increase the level of rc4 encryption because it's sbuffer is 256 bytes // makes sense to me, but what do i know...
status("encrypt") if(text.length >= keylen) { var sessionkey=rc4(rstring(text,keylen),rstring(text,keylen))
// session key must be less than mod, so mod it sessionkey=b2t(bmod(t2b(sessionkey),t2b(mod))) alert("sessionkey="+sessionkey)
// return the rsa encoded key and the encrypted text // i'm double encrypting because it would seem to me to // lessen known-plaintext attacks, but what do i know return modexp(sessionkey,key,mod) + rc4(key2(sessionkey),rc4(sessionkey,text)) } else {
// don't need a session key return modexp(text,key,mod) } } function rsaDecrypt(keylen,key,mod,text) { status("decrypt") if(text.length <= keylen) { return modexp(text,key,mod) } else {
// sessionkey is first keylen bytes var sessionkey=text.substr(0,keylen) text=text.substr(keylen)
// un-rsa the session key sessionkey=modexp(sessionkey,key,mod) alert("sessionkey="+sessionkey)
// double decrypt the text return rc4(sessionkey,rc4(key2(sessionkey,text),text)) } } function trim2(d) { return d.substr(0,d.lastIndexOf('1')+1) } function bgcd(u,v) { // return greatest common divisor // algorythm from http://algo.inria.fr/banderier/Seminar/Vallee/index.html var d, t while(1) { d=bsub(v,u) //alert(v+" - "+u+" = "+d) if(d=='0') {return u} if(d) { if(d.substr(-1)=='0') { v=d.substr(0,d.lastIndexOf('1')+1) // v=(v-u)/2^val2(v-u) } else v=d } else { t=v; v=u; u=t // swap u and v } } }
function isPrime(p) { var n,p1,p12,t p1=bsub(p,'1') t=p1.length-p1.lastIndexOf('1') p12=trim2(p1) for(n=0; n<2; n+=mrtest(p,p1,p12,t)) { if(n<0) return 0 } return 1 } function mrtest(p,p1,p12,t) { // Miller-Rabin test from forum.swathmore.edu/dr.math/ var n,a,u a='1'+rstring('01',Math.floor(p.length/2)) // random a //alert("mrtest "+p+", "+p1+", "+a+"-"+p12) u=bmodexp(a,p12,p) if(u=='1') {return 1} for(n=0;n<t;n++) { u=bmod(bmul(u,u),p) //dg+=u+" " if(u=='1') return -100 if(u==p1) return 1 } return -100 } pfactors='11100011001110101111000110001101' // this number is 3*5*7*11*13*17*19*23*29*31*37 function prime(bits) { // return a prime number of bits length var p='1'+rstring('001',bits-2)+'1' while( ! isPrime(p)) { p=badd(p,'10'); // add 2 } alert("p is "+p) return p } function genkey(bits) { q=prime(bits) do { p=q q=prime(bits) } while(bgcd(p,q)!='1') p1q1=bmul(bsub(p,'1'),bsub(q,'1')) // now we need a d, e, and an n so that: // p1q1*n-1=de -> bmod(bsub(bmul(d,e),'1'),p1q1)='0' // or more specifically an n so that d & p1q1 are rel prime and factor e n='1'+rstring('001',Math.floor(bits/3)+2) alert('n is '+n) factorMe=badd(bmul(p1q1,n),'1') alert('factor is '+factorMe) //e=bgcd(factorMe,p1q1) //alert('bgcd='+e) e='1' // is this always 1? //r=bdiv(factorMe,e) //alert('r='+r.q+" "+r.mod) //if(r.mod != '0') {alert('Mod Error!')} //factorMe=r.q d=bgcd(factorMe,'11100011001110101111000110001101') alert('d='+d) if(d == '1' && e == '1') {alert('Factoring failed '+factorMe+' p='+p+' q='+q)} e=bmul(e,d) r=bdiv(factorMe,d) d=r.q if(r.mod != '0') {alert('Mod Error 2!')}
this.mod=b2t(bmul(p,q)) this.pub=b2t(e) this.priv=b2t(d) } function status(a) { }//alert(a)} // --> </script> <h3>RSA-type:</h3> Note that long keys will likely be slow. <p> <form method="POST" name="RSA"> <div align="center"> <table border="0"> <tr> <td align="right">keylength:</td> <td><input type="text" size="4" name="keylen" value="2"> How many bytes?</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">key:</td> <td><input type="text" size="60" name="key" value="10001"></td> <td>Binary</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p align="right">modulo:</p> </td> <td><input type="text" size="60" name="mod" value="110010100001"></td> <td>Binary</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">text:</td> <td><textarea name="text" rows="6" cols="60"></textarea></td> <td>For sample values you can use:<br> Public Key: 10001<br> Modulo: 110010100001<br> Private Key: 101011000001</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- function RSAencryptDemo() { document.RSA.text.value=textToBase64( rsaEncrypt( parseInt(document.RSA.keylen.value), b2t(document.RSA.key.value), b2t(document.RSA.mod.value), document.RSA.text.value)) document.RSA.key.value="101011000001" } function RSAdecryptDemo() { document.RSA.text.value=rsaDecrypt( parseInt(document.RSA.keylen.value), b2t(document.RSA.key.value), b2t(document.RSA.mod.value), base64ToText(document.RSA.text.value)) document.RSA.key.value="10001" } // --></script> </td> <td> <p align="center"><input type="button" name="B1" value="Encrypt" onclick="RSAencryptDemo()"> <input type="button" name="B2" value="Decrypt" onclick="RSAdecryptDemo()"> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </form> </body> </html>