<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>DynAPI Examples - Tab Manager 1</title> <script language="Javascript" src="./dynapisrc/dynapi.js"></script> <script language="Javascript"> dynapi.library.setPath('./dynapisrc/'); dynapi.library.include('dynapi.api.ext.TabManager'); </script> <style type="text/css"> td { font:10px Helvetica; background-color:#dddddd; } .center { text-align:center; } </style> <script language="Javascript"> // tab manager listener var tmListener={ onblur:function(e) { var o=e.getSource(); o.setBgColor('#cccccc'); }, onfocus:function(e) { var o=e.getSource(); o.setBgColor('#aaaaaa'); }, onsubmit:function(e) { var o=e.getSource(); o.setBgColor('#eeeeee'); o.callSubmitFn(); } } // default tab attributes function Tab(html,x,id) { this.base=DynLayer; this.base(html,x,1,50,16,'#cccccc'); if(id) this.setID(id) this.setClass('center'); } Tab.prototype=new DynLayer(); // example 1 var e1=dynapi.document.addChild(new DynLayer(null,null,null,309,48)); // menubar 1 var m1=e1.addChild(new DynLayer(null,1,1,309,19,'#666666')); m1.addChild(new Tab('<< First',1),'tab1').addSubmitFn('alert("First")'); m1.addChild(new Tab('< Prev',52),'tab2').addSubmitFn('alert("Prev")'); m1.addChild(new Tab('Add',103),'tab3').addSubmitFn('alert("Add")'); m1.addChild(new Tab('Submit',154),'tab4').addSubmitFn('alert("Submit")'); m1.addChild(new Tab('Next >',205),'tab5').addSubmitFn('alert("Next")'); m1.addChild(new Tab('Last >>',256),'tab6').addSubmitFn('alert("Last")'); m1.createTabManager(); m1.addTabListeners(tmListener) m1.tab1.setBgColor('#aaaaaa'); var FORM=null; var e4=dynapi.document.addChild(new DynLayer(null,null,null,400,150)); function getForm() { if(FORM) return; FORM=TabManager.getForm(e4); var html4='When using the [Tab] key in Mozilla this text field prevents default tab focus. It may be <a href="" onclick="FORM.setVisible(false);return false;">hidden</a> (unfortunately the cursor is still visible).<br>When using NS4 on Linux with broken key events make sure this text field is <a href="" onclick="FORM.setVisible(true);return false;">visible</a> and click in the field to force focus and allow key input.' e4.addChild(new DynLayer(html4,30,0,350,100)); } </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#eeeeee"> <table border=0 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=4> <tr><td colspan=2 align="center">Tab Manager Demonstration 1</td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> <script>dynapi.document.insertChild(e1,'relative');</script> </td> <td valign="top"><ol> <li>In NS4 click in the window and use the numeric keypad (Num Lock) arrow keys to tab around the menus and the space key to select. <li>For other browsers use the standard arrow keys to tab around the menus and the enter or space key to select. <li>On some browsers it is possible to use the [SHIFT+Tab] and [Tab] keys to move left and right repectively. <li>To prevent default tab focus when using the [Tab] key in Mozilla or when trying to use NS4 on Linux with broken key events, click <a href="" onclick="getForm();return false;">here</a>.</ol> <script>dynapi.document.insertChild(e4,'relative');</script> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>