<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>jaxWidgets by Sarat Pediredla</TITLE>
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</STYLE> <!-- jaxWidgets_RuntimeEngine.js --> <SCRIPT language=javascript type="text/javascript"> /* * This notice must be untouched at all times.
============= META ================== @name : jaxWidgets_RuntimeEngine.js @version : 0.10 @copyright (c) 2005 Sarat Pediredla. All rights reserved. @last-modified: 14/06/2005 @url : http://sarat.xcelens.co.uk/jaxWidgets @latest-version-url : http://sarat.xcelens.co.uk/jaxWidgets/latest/ ======================================
============== DESCRIPTION ============= The Runtime Engine to register and process widgets =========================================
============= FEATURES ================== - Dynamically loads and parses jaxWidgets - i18n support for strings ============================================
============= FUTURE PLANS ==================
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
For more details on the GNU Lesser General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html */ // Define namespace if (typeof jaxWidgets != "object") { var jaxWidgets = {}; }
// Register namespace and object jaxWidgets.RuntimeEngine = function() { var registeredWidgets = new Array(); var totalWidgets = -1; var loadedWidgets = new Array(); var currentWidgets = new Array(); this.registerWidget = function(tag, handler) { var newWidget = new Array(tag, handler); registeredWidgets[++totalWidgets] = newWidget; }; this.loadEngine = function() { // Load library component _Library = new jaxWidgets.Library(); for(var i=0; i <= totalWidgets; i++) { currentWidgets = document.getElementsByTagName("jax:"+registeredWidgets[i][0]); for(var j =0; j < currentWidgets.length; j++) { registeredWidgets[i][1].load(currentWidgets[j]); } _Library.cleanup(currentWidgets); } }; /* Debug function for testing purposes only You NEED to create a div with id=debug in your page for this to work */ this.writeDebug = function(string) { document.getElementById("debug").innerHTML += string + "<br>"; }; /* Error Log function. Can be disabled through setErrors(false) */ this.writeError = function(string) { if(document.getElementById("jaxErrorLogDiv")) { document.getElementById("jaxErrorLogDiv").innerHTML += string + "<br>"; } else { var logDiv = document.createElement("div"); logDiv.setAttribute("id","jaxErrorLogDiv"); logDiv.style.color = "red"; logDiv.style.fontSize = "0.9em"; logDiv.style.fontWeight = "bold"; var bodyTag = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; bodyTag.insertBefore(logDiv,bodyTag.firstChild); logDiv.innerHTML = "jax Error : "; logDiv.innerHTML += string + "<br>"; } }; }
// Register event handlers // Use quirksmode idea for flexible registration by copying existing events // onKeyUp /******* Define GLOBAL Constants *********/ var _Engine; // The jax Runtime Engine var _Library; // The jax Runtime library
_Engine = new jaxWidgets.RuntimeEngine(); var oldEventCode = (window.onload) ? elm.onload : function () {}; window.onload = function () {oldEventCode(); _Engine.loadEngine();};
<!-- jaxWidgets_Library.js --> <SCRIPT language=javascript type="text/javascript"> /* * This notice must be untouched at all times.
============= META ================== @name : jaxWidgets_Library.js @version : 0.10 @copyright (c) 2005 Sarat Pediredla. All rights reserved. @last-modified: 14/06/2005 @url : http://sarat.xcelens.co.uk/jaxWidgets @latest-version-url : http://sarat.xcelens.co.uk/jaxWidgets/latest/ ======================================
============== DESCRIPTION ============= The Library is a repository for common functions used by jaxWidgets =========================================
============= FEATURES ================== - Sets Style of elements ============================================
============= CHANGELOG ================== 17 June 2005 [17:46] [Sarat Pediredla] - Modified code to replace getAttribute().toLowerCase() with tmpString because strangely IE 6.0 wont support it. 18 June 2005 [08:45] [Sarat Pediredla] - Added functions to get X & Y position of elements. - Modified style setters to use element.style.cssText ==========================================
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
For more details on the GNU Lesser General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html */
// The following array IS NEEDED for widgets wishing to lock submitting forms var submitLockedBy = new Array();
// Register object jaxWidgets.Library = function() { // Cleanup function to remove jax XML tags this.cleanup = function(array) { var arraylength = array.length; for(var i=0; i < arraylength; i++) { var element = array[0]; element.parentNode.removeChild(element); } return true; } // Gets the index of an element in an array this.getIndex = function(element,array) { for(var i=0; i < array.length; i++) { if(array[i] == element) return i; } } // Sets the CSS style from source to target element this.setStyle = function(sourceElement,targetElement) { if(sourceElement.getAttribute("style") && sourceElement.getAttribute("style").length > 0) { targetElement.style.cssText = sourceElement.getAttribute("style"); return; } if(sourceElement.getAttribute("class") && sourceElement.getAttribute("class").length > 0) { targetElement.setAttribute("className",sourceElement.getAttribute("class")); targetElement.setAttribute("class",sourceElement.getAttribute("class")); return; } } // Returns parent form of a given element this.getParentForm = function(element) { for(var i=0;i < document.forms.length; i++) { if(document.forms[i][element.id] == element) return document.forms[i]; } _Engine.writeError("jax Error : Your elements are not embedded inside a form"); return null; } // Returns the submit button for a given form this.getSubmitElement = function(currentForm) { for(i=0;i<currentForm.length;i++) { var currentElement = currentForm.elements[i]; var tmpString = currentElement.type; if(tmpString.toString().toLowerCase() == "submit") return currentElement; } } // Disables submitting of forms when fields not validated this.disableSubmit = function(element) { form = this.getParentForm(element); var btnSubmit = this.getSubmitElement(form); if(btnSubmit) btnSubmit.disabled = true; } this.enableSubmit = function(element) { form = this.getParentForm(element); var btnSubmit = this.getSubmitElement(form); if(btnSubmit) btnSubmit.disabled = false; } this.lockSubmit = function(id) { var index = _Library.getIndex(id,submitLockedBy) if(!(index >= 0)) { submitLockedBy.push(id); } _Library.disableSubmit(document.getElementById(id)); } this.unlockSubmit = function(id) { var index = _Library.getIndex(id, submitLockedBy); if(index > -1) { submitLockedBy.pop(index); if(_Library.noSubmitLocks()) _Library.enableSubmit(document.getElementById(id)); } } this.noSubmitLocks = function() { if(submitLockedBy.length <= 0) return true; return false; } this.getXPos = function(element) { xPos = element.offsetLeft; tempEl = element.offsetParent; while (tempEl != null) { xPos += (tempEl.offsetLeft); tempEl = tempEl.offsetParent; } return xPos; } this.getYPos = function(element) { yPos = element.offsetTop; tempEl = element.offsetParent; while (tempEl != null) { yPos += tempEl.offsetTop; tempEl = tempEl.offsetParent; } return yPos; } } </SCRIPT>
<!-- jaxWidgets_Validator.js --> <SCRIPT language=javascript type="text/javascript"> /* * This notice must be untouched at all times.
============= META ================== @name : jaxWidgets_Validator.js @version : 0.10 @copyright (c) 2005 Sarat Pediredla. All rights reserved. @last-modified: 27/06/2005 @url : http://sarat.xcelens.co.uk/jaxWidgets @latest-version-url : http://sarat.xcelens.co.uk/jaxWidgets/latest/ ======================================
============== DESCRIPTION ============= The validator widget is a part of the jaxWidgets library. It provides dynamic in-page validation of common fields. =========================================
============= FEATURES ================== - Uses jaxXML markup tags to specify designer friendly tags in HTML (.NET style) - i18n support for strings - Customisable UI - Use on any number of fields - Validates most common formats ============================================
============= CHANGELOG ==================
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
For more details on the GNU Lesser General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html */
// Register object jaxWidgets.Validator = function() { // Validation settings var isRequired = "false"; // Common regexs var regexEmail = /^([w]+)(.[w]+)*@([w]+)(.[w]{2,3}){1,2}$/; var regexUrl = /^(http://www.|https://www.|ftp://www.|www.){1}([w]+)(.[w]+){1,2}$/; var regexDate = /^d{1,2}(-|/|.)d{1,2}1d{4}$/; var regexTime = /^([1-9]|1[0-2]):[0-5]d$/; var regexIP = /^((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9]).){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])$/; var regexInteger = /(^-?dd*$)/; // United states specific regexs var regexPostcode_US = /d{5}(-d{4})?/; var regexSSN_US = /d{3}-d{2}-d{4}/; var regexPhone_US = /^(?d{3})?s|-d{3}-d{4}$/; var regexState_US = /^(AK|AL|AR|AZ|CA|CO|CT|DC|DE|FL|GA|HI|IA|ID|IL|IN|KS|KY|LA|MA|MD|ME|MI|MN|MO|MS|MT|NB|NC|ND|NH|NJ|NM|NV|NY|OH|OK|OR|PA|RI|SC|SD|TN|TX|UT|VA|VT|WA|WI|WV|WY)$/i; // United Kingdom specific regexs var regexPostcode_UK = /^([A-Za-z]{1,2})([0-9]{2,3})([A-Za-z]{2})$/; // i18n settings var strLocale = "US"; var strType = "String"; var strRequired = "Required"; var strInvalid = "Invalid format";
// Internal global vars var tmpString; // Create validator this.load = function(element) { if(!element) { _Engine.writeError('jax Error: Validator cannot load'); return; } var fieldElement = document.getElementById(element.getAttribute("ControlToValidate")); if(!fieldElement) { _Engine.writeError('jax Error: Validator is missing a ControlToValidate attribute'); return; } // Create validator layer var validatorElement = document.createElement("span"); validatorElement.setAttribute("id",fieldElement.id+"_valid"); element.parentNode.insertBefore(validatorElement,element.nextSibling); // Standard function to parse the custom jax tag this.parseTag(element,validatorElement); // Create style for current element using DOM compatible function from Library _Library.setStyle(element, validatorElement); tmpString = validatorElement.getAttribute("isRequired") if(tmpString.toString().toLowerCase() == "true") { _Validator.validate(fieldElement.id); } // Register event handlers // Use quirksmode idea for flexible registration by copying existing events // onSubmit var parentForm = _Library.getParentForm(fieldElement); var oldEventCode = (parentForm.onsubmit) ? parentForm.onsubmit : function () {}; parentForm.onsubmit = function () {oldEventCode(); return _Validator.validate(fieldElement.id)}; // onBlue var oldEventCode = (fieldElement.onblur) ? fieldElement.onblur : function () {}; fieldElement.onblur = function () {oldEventCode(); return _Validator.validate(fieldElement.id)}; }; this.setInvalid = function(div) { div.innerHTML = div.getAttribute("strInvalid"); }; this.validate = function(id) { var element; if(!(element = document.getElementById(id))) { return false; } var validDiv = document.getElementById(id+"_valid"); var validString = element.value; if(validString.length == 0) { tmpString = validDiv.getAttribute("isRequired"); var isRequired = tmpString.toString().toLowerCase(); if(isRequired == "true") { validDiv.innerHTML = validDiv.getAttribute("strRequired"); return false; } else { validDiv.innerHTML = ""; } } // If we have reached here, we can continue with validation var tmpLocale = validDiv.getAttribute("strLocale"); switch(validDiv.getAttribute("strType")) { case "String" : return true; break; case "Email" : if(!validString.match(regexEmail)) { this.setInvalid(validDiv); return false; } break; case "Url" : if(!validString.match(regexUrl)) { this.setInvalid(validDiv); return false; } break; case "Date" : if(!validString.match(regexDate)) { this.setInvalid(validDiv); return false; } break; case "Time" : if(!validString.match(regexTime)) { this.setInvalid(validDiv); return false; } break; case "IP" : if(!validString.match(regexIP)) { this.setInvalid(validDiv); return false; } break; case "Integer" : if(!validString.match(regexInteger)) { this.setInvalid(validDiv); return false; } break; case "Postcode" : switch(tmpLocale) { case "US" : if(!validString.match(regexPostcode_US)) { this.setInvalid(validDiv); return false; } break; case "Email" : if(!validString.match(regexPostcode_UK)) { this.setInvalid(validDiv); return false; } break; } break; // No need to check locale for SSN as it is US specific case "SSN" : if(!validString.match(regexSSN_US)) { this.setInvalid(validDiv); return false; } break; case "Phone" : switch(tmpLocale) { case "US" : if(!validString.match(regexPhone_US)) { this.setInvalid(validDiv); return false; } break; } break; // Only US States work for now case "State" : switch(tmpLocale) { case "Email" : if(!validString.match(regexState_US)) { this.setInvalid(validDiv); return false; } break; } break; // Do custom validation case "Custom" : if(!validString.match(validDiv.getAttribute("Match"))) { this.setInvalid(validDiv); return false; } break; } // If we have reached here, everything is OK validDiv.innerHTML = ""; return true; }; /********* Custom tag parser **********/ this.parseTag = function(element,validatorElement) { if(element.getAttribute("Required")) validatorElement.setAttribute("isRequired",element.getAttribute("Required")); else validatorElement.setAttribute("isRequired",isRequired); if(element.getAttribute("TextRequired")) validatorElement.setAttribute("strRequired",element.getAttribute("TextRequired")); else validatorElement.setAttribute("strRequired",strRequired); if(element.getAttribute("TextInvalid")) validatorElement.setAttribute("strInvalid",element.getAttribute("TextInvalid")); else validatorElement.setAttribute("strInvalid",strInvalid); if(element.getAttribute("Type")) validatorElement.setAttribute("strType", element.getAttribute("Type")); else validatorElement.setAttribute("strType", strType); if(element.getAttribute("Locale")) validatorElement.setAttribute("strLocale", element.getAttribute("Locale")); else validatorElement.setAttribute("strLocale", strLocale); if(element.getAttribute("Match")) validatorElement.setAttribute("strCustom", element.getAttribute("Match"));1 }; this.registerWithEngine = function(_Validator) { var tag = "Validator"; var handler = _Validator; _Engine.registerWidget(tag, handler); }; } var _Validator = new jaxWidgets.Validator(); _Validator.registerWithEngine(_Validator);
<BODY> <H2>Demo</H2> <DIV class=layer id=jaxDetail>This is a demo for jax Validators <BR><BR> <FORM id=testForm name=form method=post>IP Address : <INPUT id=ip> <JAX:VALIDATOR class=testClass Required="true" Type="IP" ControlToValidate="ip"> </JAX:VALIDATOR> <BR>Email: <INPUT id=email> <JAX:VALIDATOR class=testClass Required="true" Type="Email" ControlToValidate="email" TextRequired="Cant be empty"> </JAX:VALIDATOR> <BR>URL : <INPUT id=url> <JAX:VALIDATOR class=testClass Type="Url" ControlToValidate="url" TextInvalid="Need website"> </JAX:VALIDATOR> <BR> <INPUT id=submitbtn type=submit value=submit> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML>