/* JavaScript Bible, Fourth Edition by Danny Goodman
John Wiley & Sons CopyRight 2001 */
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>addBehavior() and removeBehavior() Methods</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var myPBehaviorID function turnOn() { myPBehaviorID = document.all.myP.addBehavior("makeHot.htc") setInitialColor() } function setInitialColor() { if (document.all.myP.readyState == "complete") { var select = document.forms[0].colorChoice var color = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value document.all.myP.setHotColor(color) } else { setTimeout("setInitialColor()", 500) } } function turnOff() { document.all.myP.removeBehavior(myPBehaviorID) } function setColor(select, color) { if (document.all.myP.hotColor) { document.all.myP.setHotColor(color) } else { alert("This feature is not available. Turn on the Behavior first.") select.selectedIndex = 0 } } function showBehaviorCount() { var num = document.all.myP.behaviorUrns.length var msg = "The myP element has " + num + " behavior(s). " if (num > 0) { msg += "Name(s): rn" for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { msg += document.all.myP.behaviorUrns[i] + "rn" } } alert(msg) } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>addBehavior() and removeBehavior() Method Lab</H1> <HR> <P ID="myP">This is a sample paragraph. After turning on the behavior, it will turn your selected color when you mouse down anywhere in this paragraph.</P> <FORM>
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Switch On Behavior" onClick="turnOn()"> Choose a 'hot' color: <SELECT NAME="colorChoice" onChange="setColor(this, this.value)"> <OPTION VALUE="red">red <OPTION VALUE="blue">blue <OPTION VALUE="cyan">cyan </SELECT><BR> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Switch Off Behavior" onClick="turnOff()"> <P><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Count the URNs" onClick="showBehaviorCount()"></P> </BODY> </HTML>
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