/*JavaScript Unleashed, Third Editionby Richard Wagner and R. Allen Wyke ISBN: 067231763XPublisher Sams CopyRight 2000*/<HTML><HEAD><TITLE> DOM cloneNode example </TITLE></HEAD><BODY ID="bodyNode"> <TABLE ID="tableNode"> <TBODY> <TR ID="tr1Node"> <TD BGCOLOR="yellow">Row 1, Cell 1</TD> <TD BGCOLOR="orange">Row 1, Cell 2</TD> </tr> <TR ID="tr2Node"> <TD BGCOLOR="red">Row 2, Cell 1</TD> <TD BGCOLOR="magenta">Row 2, Cell 2</TD> </tr> <TR ID="tr3Node"> <TD BGCOLOR="lightgreen">Row 3, Cell 1</TD> <td BGCOLOR="beige">Row 3, Cell 2</TD></TR> <TR ID="tr4Node"> <TD BGCOLOR="blue">Row 4, Cell 1</TD> <TD BGCOLOR="lightblue">Row 4, Cell 2</TD> </tr> <TR ID="tr5Node"> <TD BGCOLOR="orange">Row 5, Cell 1</TD> <TD BGCOLOR="purple">Row 5, Cell 2</TD> </tr> </TBODY> </TABLE><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--tr3Obj = tr1Node.cloneNode(false);alert( "tr3Obj.firstChild = " + tr3Obj.firstChild + "n" + "tr3Obj.nodeName = " + tr3Obj.nodeName ); // --></SCRIPT></BODY></HTML>
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