Word Filter Demo
<html> <head> <title>Word Filter</title>
<!--BEGIN WORD FILTER JAVASCRIPT--> <script language="JavaScript1.2">
// Word Filter // (c) 2002 Premshree Pillai // Created : 23 June 2002 // http://www.qiksearch.com // http://javascript.qik.cjb.net // E-mail : qiksearch@rediffmail.com
var swear_words_arr=new Array("fuck","bloody","war","terror"); var swear_alert_arr=new Array; var swear_alert_count=0;
function reset_alert_count() { swear_alert_count=0; }
function validate_user_text() { reset_alert_count(); var compare_text=document.form1.user_text.value; for(var i=0; i<swear_words_arr.length; i++) { for(var j=0; j<(compare_text.length); j++) { if(swear_words_arr[i]==compare_text.substring(j,(j+swear_words_arr[i].length)).toLowerCase()) { swear_alert_arr[swear_alert_count]=compare_text.substring(j,(j+swear_words_arr[i].length)); swear_alert_count++; } } } var alert_text=""; for(var k=1; k<=swear_alert_count; k++) { alert_text+="n" + "(" + k + ") " + swear_alert_arr[k-1]; } if(swear_alert_count>0) { alert("The form cannot be submitted.nThe following illegal words were found:n_______________________________n" + alert_text + "n_______________________________"); document.form1.user_text.select(); } else { document.form1.submit(); } }
function select_area() { document.form1.user_text.select(); }
</head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<!--BEGIN FORM--> <table cellpadding="10" style="border:2 solid #FF9900" width="200" align="center"><tr><td> <form name="form1" method="post" action="post.cgi"> <center><font face="Times New Roman" size="6pt" color="#606060"><b><i>Word Filter</i></b></font></center>
<table><tr><td></td></tr></table> <textarea rows="3" cols="40" name="user_text" style="border:2 solid #808080; font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica; font-weight:normal; font-size:10pt" onclick="select_area()">Enter your text here...</textarea> <table><tr><td></td></tr></table> <center><input type="button" style="background:#EFEFEF; border:2 solid #808080; width:100%; cursor:pointer" value="Submit" onclick="validate_user_text();"></center> </form> <font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="-1" color="#000000"> This JavaScript is a "Word Filter". It is a type of form validator. When the user submits some text, the validator will check the text for words that has to be filtered. <br><br>The words that have to be filtered must be added to the array <font face="courier">swear_words_arr</font>. When the user types the text and hits the submit button, if the text contains any word that is present in the array <font face="courier">swear_words_arr</font>, the form will not be submitted. <br><br>The script can be used for validation of swear words etc. <br><br><font size="-2" color="#808080">© 2002 Premshree Pillai.</font>
</font> </td></tr></table> <!--END FORM-->
</body> </html>
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