<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>TextRange.compareEndPoints() Method</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var fixedRange function setAndShowRangeData() { var selectedRange = document.selection.createRange() var result1 = fixedRange.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", selectedRange) var result2 = fixedRange.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", selectedRange) var result3 = fixedRange.compareEndPoints("EndToStart", selectedRange) var result4 = fixedRange.compareEndPoints("EndToEnd", selectedRange) B1.innerText = result1 compare1.innerText = getDescription(result1) B2.innerText = result2 compare2.innerText = getDescription(result2) B3.innerText = result3 compare3.innerText = getDescription(result3) B4.innerText = result4 compare4.innerText = getDescription(result4) } function getDescription(comparisonValue) { switch (comparisonValue) { case -1 : return "comes before" break case 0 : return "is the same as" break case 1 : return "comes after" break default : return "vs." } } function init() { fixedRange = document.body.createTextRange() fixedRange.moveToElementText(fixedRangeElem) } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY onLoad="init()"> <H1>TextRange.compareEndPoints() Method</H1> <HR> <P>Select text in the paragraph in various places relative to the fixed text range (shown in red).</P> <TABLE ID="results" BORDER=1 > <TR><TH>Property</TH><TH>Returned Value</TH><TH>Fixed Range vs. Selection</TR> <TR> <TD CLASS="propName">StartToEnd</TD> <TD CLASS="count" ID="B1"> </TD> <TD CLASS="count" ID="C1">Start of Fixed <SPAN ID="compare1">vs.</SPAN> End of Selection</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD CLASS="propName">StartToStart</TD> <TD CLASS="count" ID="B2"> </TD>
<TD CLASS="count" ID="C2">Start of Fixed <SPAN ID="compare2">vs.</SPAN> Start of Selection</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD CLASS="propName">EndToStart</TD> <TD CLASS="count" ID="B3"> </TD> <TD CLASS="count" ID="C3">End of Fixed <SPAN ID="compare3">vs.</SPAN> Start of Selection</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD CLASS="propName">EndToEnd</TD> <TD CLASS="count" ID="B4"> </TD> <TD CLASS="count" ID="C4">End of Fixed <SPAN ID="compare4">vs.</SPAN> End of Selection</TD> </TR> </TABLE> <HR> <P onMouseUp="setAndShowRangeData()"> Text, Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,<SPAN ID="fixedRangeElem"> Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,</SPAN>, Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,</P> </BODY> </HTML>