Javascript checkdate : Date and Time : PHP functions in JavaScript JAVASCRIPT TUTORIALS

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Javascript checkdate

Returns true(1) if it is a valid date in gregorian calendar
Example 1

1.checkdate(12, 31, 2000);

Could return
Example 2

1.checkdate(2, 29, 2001);

Could return
function checkdate( month, day, year ) {
    // Returns true(1) if it is a valid date in gregorian calendar  
    // version: 810.114
    // discuss at:
    // +   original by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
    // +   improved by: Pyerre
    // *     example 1: checkdate(12, 31, 2000);
    // *     returns 1: true
    // *     example 2: checkdate(2, 29, 2001);
    // *     returns 2: false
    // *     example 3: checkdate(03, 31, 2008);
    // *     returns 3: true
    // *     example 4: checkdate(1, 390, 2000);
    // *     returns 4: false
    var myDate = new Date();
    myDate.setFullYear( year, (month - 1), day );

    return ((myDate.getMonth()+1) == month && day<32); 

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» Date and Time