function class_exists (cls) {
// Checks if the class exists
// version: 902.1018
// discuss at:
// + original by: Brett Zamir
// * example 1: function class_a() {this.meth1 = function() {return true;}};
// * example 1: var instance_a = new class_a();
// * example 1: class_exists('class_a');
// * returns 1: true
var i = '';
cls = window[cls]; // Note: will prevent inner classes
if (typeof cls !== 'function') {return false;}
for (i in cls.prototype) {
return true;
for (i in cls) { // If static members exist, then consider a "class"
if (i !== 'prototype') {
return true;
if (cls.toSource && cls.toSource().match(/this\./)) {
// Hackish and non-standard but can probably detect if setting
// a property (we don't want to test by instantiating as that
// may have side-effects)
return true;
return false;