Javascript time_sleep_until : Miscellaneous Functions : PHP functions in JavaScript JAVASCRIPT TUTORIALS

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Javascript time_sleep_until

Make the script sleep until the specified time
Example 1

1.time_sleep_until(1233146501) // delays until the time indicated by the given timestamp is reached

Could return
function time_sleep_until(timestamp) {
    // Make the script sleep until the specified time  
    // version: 902.210
    // discuss at:
    // +   original by: Brett Zamir
    // %          note: For study purposes. Current implementation could lock up the user's browser.
    // %          note: Expects a timestamp in seconds, so DO NOT pass in a JavaScript timestamp which are in milliseconds (e.g., new Date()) or otherwise the function will lock up the browser 1000 times longer than probably intended.
    // %          note: Consider using setTimeout() instead.
    // *     example 1: time_sleep_until(1233146501) // delays until the time indicated by the given timestamp is reached
    // *     returns 1: true
    while (new Date() < timestamp*1000);
    return true;

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