RegExp() : RegExp Object : Regular Expressions JAVASCRIPT TUTORIALS

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var variable = new RegExp(pattern, flags)

The RegExp() object represents a regular expression that is used for pattern matching.

The creation of the object takes pattern and flags parameters.

The pattern is a valid regular expression. The flags are either or both g (global) and i (ignore case).

Properties and Methods of the RegExp() Object

Property/Method Description
RegExp.$* Represents multiline
RegExp.$& Represents lastmatch
RegExp.$_ Represents input
RegExp.$` Represents leftContext
RegExp.$' Represents rightContext
RegExp.$+ Represents lastParen
RegExp.$1,$2,...$9 Represents substring of matches
compile() Compiles a regular expression
exec() Executes the search for a match in a specified string
global _Specifies whether to check the expressions against all possible matches
ignoreCase Whether case is ignored or not during a string search
input String that is matched
lastIndex _Specifies the index at which to start matching the next string.
lastMatch Last matched characters
lastParen The last parenthesized substring match
leftContext The substring preceding the most recent match
multiline Specifies whether to search on multiple lines
rightContext The substring following the most recent match
source The string pattern
test() Tests for a string match

    <script language="JavaScript">
    function isSSN(str){
       // xxx-xx-xxxx
       var regexp = /^(d{9}|d{3}-d{2}-d{4})$/;
       return regexp.test(str);
    function checkInput(){
      var valid = true;
      var ssn = document.form1.ssn.value;
      if (!isSSN (ssn)){
          window.alert("Invalid SSN: " + ssn);
          valid = false;
        alert(ssn + " is a valid SSN");
    <form name="form1">
    Enter your SSN:
    <input type="text" size="15" name="ssn">
    <input type="button" value="Validate SSN" onClick='checkInput()'>

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» RegExp Object