The String Type : Introduction : String JAVASCRIPT TUTORIALS

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The String Type

The String type is the only primitive type that doesn't have a definite size.

A string can be used to store zero or more Unicode characters.

Each character in a string is given a position.

The position starts with the first character in position 0, the second character in position 1.

The position of the final character in a string is always the length of the string minus 1.

String literals are specified by using either double quotes (") or single quotes (').

JavaScript has no character type.

var sColor1 = "blue";
var sColor2 = 'blue';

The following table lists the JavaScript character literals:

Literal Meaning
n Newline
t Tab
b Backspace
r Carriage return
f Formfeed
\ Backslash
' Single quote
" Double quote
nnn A character represented by octal code nnn (where n is an octal digit 0-7)
xnn A character represented by hexadecimal code nn (where n is a hexadecimal digit 0-F)
unnnn A Unicode character represented by hexadecimal code nnnn (where n is a hexadecimal digit 0-F)

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