arguments : arguments : Function JAVASCRIPT TUTORIALS

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The Arguments object is an array that contains all the arguments passed into the function.

The Arguments object is automatically created and initialized when a function is invoked.

The Arguments object goes out of scope when the code function finishes executing.

To access arguments passed into a function, simply use array brackets to specify an index.

Properties Associated with the Arguments Object is listed in the following table.

Property Description
callee Contains the function that is currently executing
caller Contains the Arguments object of the calling function
length The length of the arguments array

    <input type="button" value="A" OnClick=displayFood(this,"A")>
    <input type="button" value="B" OnClick=displayFood(this,"B")>
    <input type="button" value="C" OnClick=displayFood(this,"C")>
    <input type="button" value="D" OnClick=displayFood(this,"D")>
    <input type="button" value="E" OnClick=displayFood(this,"E")>
    <script language="JavaScript">

    function displayFood()
      var aString = arguments[0].value;

      aString += "'s is ";
      aString += arguments[1];

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» arguments