window.releaseEvents() : Window Object : Window JAVASCRIPT TUTORIALS

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    window.releaseEvents(event1 | event2 | eventN)

The releaseEvents() method releases all previously captured events.

These events can be captured with the Window.captureEvents() method.

The events that can be released are as follows:

  1. Event.ABORT

  2. Event.BLUR

  3. Event.CHANGE

  4. Event.CLICK

  5. Event.DBLCLICK

  6. Event.DRAGDROP

  7. Event.ERROR

  8. Event.FOCUS

  9. Event.KEYDOWN

  10. Event.KEYPRESS

  11. Event.KEYUP

  12. Event.LOAD

  13. Event.MOUSEDOWN

  14. Event.MOUSEMOVE

  15. Event.MOUSEOUT

  16. Event.MOUSEOVER

  17. Event.MOUSEUP

  18. Event.MOVE

  19. Event.RESET

  20. Event.RESIZE

  21. Event.SELECT

  22. Event.SUBMIT

  23. Event.UNLOAD

    <script language="JavaScript1.2">
    var counter = 0;


    function changeText(){
      document.myForm.myText.value = counter++;
    function releaseClick(){
    <form name="myForm">
      <input type=TEXT size=value="" name="myText" onClick='changeText()'>
      <input type=BUTTON value="Release Event" onMouseDown='releaseClick()'>

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