/*mysql> select CONCAT(employee.firstname, " ", employee.lastName) -> AS Name, employee_person.s_name AS 'Spouse Name' -> from employee, employee_person -> where employee_person.m_status = 'Y' -> AND employee.id = employee_person.id; +---------------+-----------------+ | Name | Spouse Name | +---------------+-----------------+ | John Chen | Ane Regina | | Jan Pillai | Jane Van | | Mary Anchor | Manish Sha | | Arthur Sam | Mary Shelly | | Susan Ra | Man Nanda | | Edward Parhar | Muriel Lovelace | | Kim Hunter | Rina Brighton | | Roger Lewis | Matt Shi | | Mike Harper | Betty Cudly | | Mary Sunday | Stella Stevens | | Jack Sim | Edgar Alan | +---------------+-----------------+ 11 rows in set (0.01 sec)
*/ Drop table employee; Drop table employee_person;
CREATE TABLE employee_person ( id int unsigned not null primary key, address varchar(60), phone int, email varchar(60), birthday DATE, sex ENUM('M', 'F'), m_status ENUM('Y','N'), s_name varchar(40), children int );
CREATE TABLE employee ( id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, firstname varchar(20), lastname varchar(20), title varchar(30), age int, yearofservice int, salary int, perks int, email varchar(60) );
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("John", "Chen", "Senior Programmer", 31, 3, 120000, 25000, "j@hotmail.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Jan", "Pillai", "Senior Programmer", 32, 4, 110000, 20000, "g@yahoo.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Ane", "Pandit", "Web Designer", 24, 3, 90000, 15000, "a@gmail.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Mary", "Anchor", "Web Designer", 27, 2, 85000, 15000, "m@mail.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Fred", "King", "Programmer", 32, 3, 75000, 15000, "f@net.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("John", "Mac", "Programmer", 32, 4, 80000, 16000, "j@hotmail.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Arthur", "Sam", "Programmer", 28, 2, 75000, 14000, "e@yahoo.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Alok", "Nanda", "Programmer", 32, 3, 70000, 10000, "a@yahoo.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Susan", "Ra", "Multimedia Programmer", 32, 4, 90000, 15000, "h@gmail.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Paul", "Simon", "Multimedia Programmer", 23, 1, 85000, 12000, "ps@gmail.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Edward", "Parhar", "Multimedia Programmer", 30, 2, 75000, 15000, "a@hotmail.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Kim", "Hunter", "Senior Web Designer", 32, 4, 110000, 20000, "kim@coolmail.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Roger", "Lewis", "System Administrator", 32, 3, 100000, 13000, "roger@mail.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Danny", "Gibson", "System Administrator", 31, 2, 90000, 12000, "danny@hotmail.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Mike", "Harper", "Senior Marketing Executive", 36, 1, 120000, 28000, "m@gmail.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Mary", "Sunday", "Marketing Executive", 31, 5, 90000, 25000, "monica@bigmail.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Jack", "Sim", "Marketing Executive", 27, 1, 70000, 18000, "hal@gmail.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Joe", "Irvine", "Marketing Executive", 27, 1, 72000, 18000, "joseph@hotmail.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Henry", "Ali", "Customer Service Manager", 32, 3, 70000, 9000, "shahida@hotmail.com"); INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Peter", "Champion", "Finance Manager", 32, 2, 120000, 25000, "peter@yahoo.com");
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name) values (1, '200, Regina Street', 7176666, 'net@hotmail.com', '1971-04-26', 'M', 'Y', 'Ane Regina'); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (2, '1232 Alberta Road', 5553312, 'jo@hotmail.com', '1968-03-02', 'M', 'Y', 'Jane Van', 3); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (3, '90 Potter A', 3331211, 'gp@ymail.com', '1967-09-22', 'M', 'N', 'Sandhya Pil', 2); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name) values (4, '202, Donna Street', 7176167, 'twink@hotmail.com', '1976-08-09', 'F', 'Y', 'Manish Sha'); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (5, 'Apartment #8, UBC, Van Street', 8973242, 'holy@ymail.com', '1974-10-14', 'F', 'N'); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (6, '46 SFU Street', '6451234', 'kill@el.com', '1978-12-31', 'M', 'N'); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (7, '432 Mercury Ave', 7932232, 'mac@hotmail.com', '1966-8-21', 'M', 'Y', 'Mary Shelly', '3'); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (8, '8 Little YaleTown', 5442994, 'edd@gmail.com', '1975-01-14', 'M', 'N'); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (9, '64 Temp Road', 4327652, 'nan@pmail.com', '1969-05-19', 'M', 'Y', 'Man Nanda', '1'); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (10, '132 Metro House, Henry Street', 5552376, 'ra@hotmail.com', '1968-07-06', 'M', 'N'); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (11, '1 Grace Town, Van Avenue', 5433879, 'soundofsilence@boxer.net', '1957-11-04', 'M', 'Y', 'Muriel Lovelace', '4'); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (12, '97 Oakland Road', 5423311, 'kingarthur@roundtable.org', '1968-02-15', 'M', 'Y', 'Rina Brighton', 3); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (13, '543 Applegate Lane', 3434343, 'levy@cmail.com', '1968-09-03', 'F', 'Y', 'Matt Shi', '2'); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (14, '76 Fish Street', 7432433, 'tink@email.com', '1965-04-28', 'M', 'N'); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (15, '98 Gun Street', 6500787, 'danny@fhardy.com', '1966-06-23', 'M', 'Y', 'Betty Cudly', 3); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (16, '#5 Winnepag Homes', 5433243, 'mike@cmail.com', '1964-03-06', 'M', 'Y', 'Stella Stevens', 2); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (17, '652 Devon Building, 6th Jade Avenue', 5537885, 'mona@darling.com', '1970-04-18', 'F', 'Y', 'Edgar Alan', 1); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (18, 'Apartment #9, Together Towers', 5476565, 'odessey@hotmail.com', '1973-10-09', 'M', 'N'); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (19, 'Apartment #9, West Towers', 5476565, 'jire@hotmail.com', '1973-1-20', 'M', 'N'); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (20, '90 Yale Town', 7528326, 'help@more.org', '1968-01-25', 'F', 'N'); INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (21, '4329 Eucalyptus Avenue', 4254863, 'money@cold.com', '1964-06-13', 'M', 'Y', 'Ruby Richer', 2);
select CONCAT(employee.firstname, " ", employee.lastName) AS Name, employee_person.s_name AS 'Spouse Name' from employee, employee_person where employee_person.m_status = 'Y' AND employee.id = employee_person.id;