IF search_condition THEN statement_list [ELSEIF search_condition THEN statement_list] ... [ELSE statement_list]END IF
If statement checks a condition, running the statements in the block if the condition is true.
You can add ELSEIF statements to continue attempting to match conditions.
If desired, include a final ELSE statement.
mysql>mysql>mysql> DELIMITER //mysql> CREATE FUNCTION delivery_day_shipping (delivery_day INT(1)) RETURNS INT(2) -> BEGIN -> -> DECLARE shipping_cost INT(2) DEFAULT 0; -> -> IF delivery_day = 1 THEN -> SET shipping_cost = 20; -> ELSEIF delivery_day = 2 THEN -> SET shipping_cost = 15; -> ELSEIF delivery_day = 3 THEN -> SET shipping_cost = 10; -> ELSE -> SET shipping_cost = 5; -> END IF; -> -> RETURN shipping_cost; -> -> END -> //ERROR 1304 (42000): FUNCTION delivery_day_shipping already existsmysql> DELIMITER ;mysql>mysql>
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