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PHP : Features : Handling file uploads : PUT method support

PUT method support

PHP provides support for the HTTP PUT method used by some clients to store files on a server. PUT requests are much simpler than a file upload using POST requests and they look something like this:

put /path/filename.php http/1.1

this would normally mean that the remote client would like to save the content that follows as: /path/filename.php in your web tree. it is obviously not a good idea for apache or php to automatically let everybody overwrite any files in your web tree. so, to handle such a request you have to first tell your web server that you want a certain php script to handle the request. in apache you do this with the Script directive. It can be placed almost anywhere in your Apache configuration file. A common place is inside a <Directory> block or perhaps inside a <VirtualHost> block. A line like this would do the trick:

Script PUT /put.php

This tells Apache to send all PUT requests for URIs that match the context in which you put this line to the put.php script. This assumes, of course, that you have PHP enabled for the .php extension and PHP is active. The destination resource for all PUT requests to this script has to be the script itself, not a filename the uploaded file should have.

With PHP 4 and following you would then do something like the following in your put.php. This would copy the contents of the uploaded file to the file myputfile.ext on the server. You would probably want to perform some checks and/or authenticate the user before performing this file copy.

Example 5.5. Saving HTTP PUT files with PHP 4

/* PUT data comes in on the stdin stream */
$putdata = fopen("php://input", "r");

/* Open a file for writing */
$fp = fopen("myputfile.ext", "w");

/* Read the data 1 KB at a time
  and write to the file */
while ($data = fread($putdata, 1024))
fwrite($fp, $data);

/* Close the streams */


All documentation below applies to PHP 3 only.

Example 5.6. Saving HTTP PUT files with PHP 3


The only trick here is that when PHP sees a PUT-method request it stores the uploaded file in a temporary file just like those handled by the POST-method. When the request ends, this temporary file is deleted. So, your PUT handling PHP script has to copy that file somewhere. The filename of this temporary file is in the $PHP_PUT_FILENAME variable, and you can see the suggested destination filename in the $REQUEST_URI (may vary on non-Apache web servers). This destination filename is the one that the remote client specified. You do not have to listen to this client. You could, for example, copy all uploaded files to a special uploads directory.

Code Examples / Notes » features.file_upload.put_method


Trying to capture a PUT stream into a single variable seems not to be allowed, probably because of the non presence of some kind of EOF. In this way save a PUT request into a database isn't easy.
The only way I find would be output to a cache file, then either insert filename into db or read again its content and place it in some kind of query.


PUT raw data comes in php://input, and you have to use fopen() and fread() to get the content. file_get_contents() is useless.
The HTTP PUT request MUST contain a Content-Length header to specify the length (in bytes) of the body, or the server will not be able to know when the input stream is over. This is the common problem for many to find the php://input empty if no such header available.
This should make PUT work properly on win32 using PHP5.1.1 and apache2.


NOTE: The <Script>-Directive can not be placed in .htaccess files.
So if you're having shared webspace and no access to the apache-configuration file you will have little chance to make something like this work.
But you can solve the problem, using mod_rewrite (for Apache) - for further information see the documentation at


I have spent a lot of time trying to make PUT work with Apache 2.0.40. I have not yet been able to find any way of making the Script directive invoke php via mod_php, the only way has been to have a file called example.cgi and invoke it via CGI, with the file starting
so the PHP interpreter is invoked through the CGI mechanism and not as a module.
If there IS a way of making it work 'right' I'd love to know! After six hours of messing around, I've settled for CGI. The error messages in the apache error log are significantly misleading and the whole thing has been an exercise in frustration.
Attempts to use AddHandler and all 'normal' ways of trying to persuade Apache to do this have been fruitless. It does seem as if PUT can only be handled by CGI invocation.


I can only make it work when I am using PHP as CGI, not as an Apache module.
I am using the version of PHP/Apahce that is shipped with Debian/testing.
You have to load the action_module, but not the put_module in Apache config.


Here's my solution on my Note below
The .htacces-File
Options FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase !!!The Path of your PUT-Upload-Folder, relative to the DocumentRoot!!!
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [L]
{ $f = fopen(basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), "w");
 $s = fopen("php://input", "r");
 while($kb = fread($s, 1024))
 { fwrite($f, $kb, 1024); }
 Header("HTTP/1.1 201 Created"); }
elseif ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET")
{ readfile(basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); }
Testes with Apache 2 and PHP 5, php as a module (win32)


A Case Study:  To set up publishing with Netscape 7.2 Composer to Apache/PHP, no need to use CGI (which I tried unsuccessfully for too long) or to alter Apache's httpd.conf.  I needed only to click Publish As, fill in put2disk.php as the filename (where its contents are the below), and fill in that file's dir as the "Publishing address".
XAMPP 1.4.14: Apache/2.0.54 (Win32) mod_ssl/2.0.54 OpenSSL/0.9.7g PHP/5.0.4.
<? // filename: put2disk.php.
//file_put_contents ("get_def.out", print_r (get_defined_vars(), TRUE)); // debugging
// Two slurp methods: (a) didn't work, (b) did.
//$stdin_rsc = fopen("php://input", "r");
//while ($putdata .= fread($stdin_rsc, 1024)); // a. Hangs the "Publishing..." dialog.
//while (!feof($stdin_rsc)) $putdata.=fread($stdin_rsc, 8192); // b. Worked, but file_get_contents is faster.
// All that's nec:
$putdata=file_get_contents('php://input'); // Not php://stdin! (When the ability to see error messages isn't available, the doc (this manual page) needs to be more accurate.)

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