#!/usr/bin/env python
# $Id: trace.py,v 1.9 1999/08/20 20:44:24 skip Exp $ # # Copyright 1995-1997, Automatrix, Inc., all rights reserved. # Author: Skip Montanaro # # Copyright 1991-1995, Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, all rights reserved. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this Python software and # its associated documentation for any purpose without fee is hereby # granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies, # and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in # supporting documentation, and that the name of Automatrix not be used in # advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software # without specific, written prior permission. # # Summary of recent changes: # Added run-time display of statements being executed # Incorporated portability and performance fixes from Greg Stein # Incorporated main program from Michael Scharf
# Sample use: # # create a StatementCoverage object, telling it where you want output # t = trace.StatementCoverage('/usr/local/Automatrix/concerts/coverage') # # run the application or function # t.run('main()') # # generate annotated listings, excluding several system modules # t.list(exclude_list=['regsub.py', 'string.py', 'copy.py', # 'traceback.py'])
import sys, time from string import split, rstrip
class StatementCoverage: # by default, any coverage files are written in the current # directory def __init__(self, dir = '.', verbose=0, dotimes=0): import marshal, os, stat self.tracedir = dir self.docounts = (not verbose) self.files = {'<string>': None} status = os.stat(self.tracedir) if not stat.S_ISDIR(status[stat.ST_MODE]): import tempfile d = tempfile.gettempdir() sys.stderr.write('%s: %s is not a directory - using %s instead...n' % (__name__, self.tracedir, d)) self.tracedir = d self.counts = {}
self.counts_file = os.path.join(self.tracedir, 'counts') try: self.counts = marshal.load(open(self.counts_file, 'rb')) except IOError: self.counts = {} self.dotimes = dotimes self.time = time.clock() self.last_key = None
# straight from profile.py def run(self, cmd): import __main__ dict = __main__.__dict__ self.runctx(cmd, dict, dict)
# from profile.py, with obvious changes def runctx(self, cmd, globals=None, locals=None): if globals is None: globals = {} if locals is None: locals = {} sys.settrace(self.trace) try: exec cmd in globals, locals finally: sys.settrace(None)
def runfunc(self, func, *args, **kw): result = None sys.settrace(self.trace) try: result = apply(func, args, kw) finally: sys.settrace(None) return result
# thanks to Greg Stein for speeding this up somewhat... def trace(self, frame, why, arg): if why == 'line': if self.docounts: if self.dotimes and self.last_key is not None: # time increment is for the previous line newt = time.clock() count, t = self.counts[self.last_key] t = t + newt - self.time self.counts[self.last_key] = count, t self.time = time.clock()
# counter is for this line key = self.last_key = (frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno) try: count, t = self.counts[key] except KeyError: count, t = (0, 0.0) count = count+1 self.counts[key] = (count, t)
else: # display the current line being executed... fname = frame.f_code.co_filename line = frame.f_lineno files = self.files if fname != '<string>' and not files.has_key(fname): try: files[fname] = map(rstrip, open(fname).readlines()) except IOError: files[fname] = None if files[fname] != None: print '%s(%d): %s' % (split(fname, '/')[-1], line, files[fname][line-1]) else: print '%s(%d): ??' % (split(fname, '/')[-1], line) return self.trace
# create an annotated listing file for each Python module. # note that statements like # for i in range(len(foo)): foo[i] = foo[i] + 1 # count both the for statement and the assignment statement. # this is only a small nit for my purposes. if you are # so inclined, feel free to correct things # # use exclude_list to exclude modules from being listed # def list(self, exclude_list=[]): from string import split, join, expandtabs import stat, sys, marshal, os, regex
marshal.dump(self.counts, open(self.counts_file, 'wb'))
per_file = { } for fname, lineno in self.counts.keys(): try: lines_hit = per_file[fname] except KeyError: lines_hit = per_file[fname] = { } lines_hit[lineno] = self.counts[(fname, lineno)]
blank = regex.compile('[ trn]*(|#.*)$') for fname in per_file.keys(): if fname == '<string>' or os.path.basename(fname) in exclude_list: continue
try: lines = open(fname, 'r').readlines() except IOError: sys.stderr.write('%s: Could not open %s for reading - skippingn' % (__name__, fname)) continue
lines_hit = per_file[fname]
# build list file name by appending 'l' to filename component of # input and tacking it onto the trace directory file = os.path.join(self.tracedir, os.path.basename(fname) + 'l') try: out = open(file, 'w') except IOError: sys.stderr.write('%s: Could not open %s for writing - skippingn' % (__name__, file)) continue
for i in range(len(lines)): line = lines[i]
# do the blank/comment match to try to mark more lines # (help the reader find stuff that hasn't been covered) if lines_hit.has_key(i+1): count, t = lines_hit[i+1] # count precedes the lines that we captured if self.dotimes: out.write('%5d(%7.3fs): ' % (count, t)) else: out.write('%5d: ' % count) elif blank.match(line) != -1: # blank lines and comments are preceded by dots out.write(' . ') else: # lines preceded by no marks weren't hit out.write('#'*16) out.write(expandtabs(lines[i], 8))
def main(): import os # split the args into two parts dir='.' verbose=0 dotimes=0
n=len(sys.argv) if n==1: sys.stderr.write("%s [-v] [-d directory] program {arg}n"%sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(-1) i=1 while i<n: arg=sys.argv[i] if arg=='-d': i=i+1 dir=arg=sys.argv[i] elif arg=='-v': verbose=1 elif arg=='-t': dotimes=1 else: break i=i+1
prog_argv=sys.argv[i:] # set the sys.argv sys.argv=prog_argv # set the first entry of path to the path of the # main program progname=prog_argv[0] if eval(sys.version[:3])>1.3: sys.path[0]=os.path.split(progname)[0]
tracer=StatementCoverage(dir,verbose,dotimes) tracer.run('execfile(' + 'progname' + ')')
if __name__=='__main__': main()