Email : EMail : Network C# Examples

C# Examples » Network » EMail »



using  System;
using  System.Collections.Generic;
using  System.Collections.Specialized;
using  System.IO;
using  System.IO.Compression;
using  System.Net;
using  System.Net.Mail;
using  System.Net.Sockets;
using  System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using  System.Text;

public  class  MainClass
        public  static  void  Main()
                SmtpClient  client  =  new  SmtpClient("");

                client.Credentials  =new  NetworkCredential("username",  "password");

                MailMessage  message  =  new  MailMessage(new  MailAddress("",  "Joe"),        //  To
                        new  MailAddress("",  "Ray"));  //  CC
                message.Bcc.Add(new  MailAddress(""));
                message.Bcc.Add(new  MailAddress(""));
                message.Subject  =  "subject";
                message.Body  =  "body";

                Attachment  att  =  new  Attachment(@"c:\file.cs");


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» EMail