Send an email out : EMail : Network C# Examples

C# Examples » Network » EMail »


Send an email out

using  System;
using  System.Net;
using  System.Net.Mail;

class  MainClass
        public  static  void  Main(string[]  args)
                SmtpClient  client  =  new  SmtpClient("",  25);

                client.Credentials  =new  NetworkCredential("",  "password");

                using  (MailMessage  msg  =  new  MailMessage())
                        msg.From  =  new  MailAddress("");
                        msg.Subject  =  "HI";

                        msg.Body  =  "A  message";

                        msg.Attachments.Add(new  Attachment("c:\\test.txt",  "text/plain"));
                        msg.Attachments.Add(new  Attachment("C:\\test.exe",  "application/octet-stream"));

                        msg.To.Add(new  MailAddress("message  to  address"));


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