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AJAX Slideshow - AJAX Script

It resizes, it transitions, it fades in and out and it`s not flash! The new AJAX slideshow on the homepage of my site comes to you courtesy of Scott Upton at Uptonic. This smooth, easy to use delight, is a great toolbox addition, for anyone who considers themselves part of the new breed of AJAX designers and developers. This outstanding AJAX script was originally coded by, Travis Beckham of Squidfingers. Updates were made by Scott, and made available to us all via his example at Couloir. I`ve found it very easy to use however, at this point I don`t have it hooked up to my blog for auto-updates. I`m working on this now, and will post when it is done. This is one of those AJAX apps that clients will love and it is very easy to implement. Give it a try! Feel free to take it from my site or from Scotts.
Hits: 8585

Free   Version: n/a   Platform(s): All   Updated:  January 12, 2008

Developer: Demo Download  
Rated by: 9 user(s)  
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