A poller script that uses Ajax to send vote to the server and receives vote results from the server. The results are displayed in some animated graphs.
PHP and mySql required This script requires that you have PHP installed on your server and access to a mySql database. Files included in package
ajax-poller.html = Main HTML file. Contains some HTML code and some PHP code. You will find the code for the poller between the comments <!-- START OF POLLER --> and <!-- END OF POLLER -->.
ajax-poller-cast-vote.php = This file is called by ajax when someone casts a vote. This file updates the database and returns vote results as XML back to ajax-poller.html
dbConnect.php = File included by ajax-poller and ajax-poller-cast-vote.php. This file connect the scripts to your database
js/ajax-poller.js = Main Javascript file for this script.
js/ajax.js = Ajax (Library from http://twilightuniverse.com/projects/sack).
css/ajax-poller.css = Cascading style sheet for the poller
images/* = images used by the script
createDbTables.php = Installation file. This file creates the default database tables you need for this script. Just put in connection and data and execute the file in your browser
Installation This is a step by step guide on how to configure this script
Modify dbConnect.php. Insert your dbName, username and password. You may have to create a new database.
Edit createDbTables.php. Insert your dbName, username and password and execute the script in your web browser
Now, try to open ajax-poller.html in your web browser
Javascript variables You will find some variables at the top of ajax-poller.js which you could modify: var serverSideFile = `ajax-poller-cast-vote-php`; var voteLeftImage = `images/graph_left_1.gif`; var voteRightImage = `images/graph_right_1.gif`; var voteCenterImage = `images/graph_middle_1.gif`; var graphMaxWidth = 120; // It will actually be a little wider than this because of the rounded image at the left and right var graphMinWidth = 15; // Minimum size of graph var pollScrollSpeed = 5; // Lower = faster var useCookiesToRememberCastedVotes = true;
serverSideFile = Path to the PHP file that is called by ajax.
voteLeftImage, voteRightImage and voteCenterImage = Path to the graph images
graphMaxWidth = Max width of graph
graphMinWidth = Min width of graph
pollScrollSpeed = Speed of animation. Lower value = faster animation
useCookiesToRememberCastedVotes = If set to true, use cookie to prevent user from casting more than one vote
Hits: 10799
FreeVersion: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
January 12, 2008