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Claros Ajax Chat - AJAX Script

Ajax powered chat application for full web 2.0 experience.Jabber BasedWorks with any Jabber server, including Google Talk.Works in browserWorks 100% within the browser, no setup neither any plugins required.Ajax BasedIt is a 100% Ajax application, with a clean and nice user interface.Platform and Browser IndependentSupports all major browsers and operating systems.JavaIt is built using standard JSP/Servlets can run on any Java capable operating system.NotificationsIt can display user avatars including your own besides alert a sound on a new message.SmileysSupports many of the emotions with MSN like smileys.Supports TransportsChat with any network(MSN, AIM...) with a suitable gateway installed.
Hits: 5575

Free   Version: n/a   Platform(s): All   Updated:  January 12, 2008

Developer: Demo Download  
Rated by: 1 user(s)  
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