Google Blogogscoped AJAX "Sunset" chat - AJAX Script
This Ajax chat script doesn`t need any special plug-in (like Java or
Flash) but simply runs in your browser. It was tested with Internet
Explorer 6, Firefox 1, and to some degree Konqueror. It also doesn`t
need any special ports as it`s Ajax-based.
To start the chat, choose any of the many avatars and give your
avatar a nick (this can be your name). If the nick is taken, you need
to choose another one. However, multiple same avatars may appear in the
Once in the room, just type something you want to say in the bottom input box and press Return.
Only those in the room will be able to see it (you cannot address
someone specifically), and what you say is not permanently logged (it
is logged for under 1 hour and will be instantly deleted the second you
Hits: 7168
FreeVersion: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
April 12, 2008