Jambook Joomla Guestbook is a feature rich open source Joomla guestbook component with spam protection, email address cloaking, flood protection, double Jambook is a feature rich open source Joomla guestbook component with spam protection, email address cloaking, flood protection, double posting checks and the ability to use Joomla wysiwyg editor, even for guests! Jambook uses AJAX in the backend to speed up some common administration tasks. As this is a component for the CMS Joomla you will obviously need Joomla to run this. Features
All frontend html in template files editable from administrator.
Several spam shield settings to determine if entries should be considered spam.
CAPTCHA image spam protection.
Possible to ban specific IP addresses from publishing entries.
Fully compatible with Joomla 1.0.x
Email address cloaking
Flood protection and double posting checks available.
AJAX enabled to make admin interface snappier.
Registered users may edit their own entries within a set timeframe.
Configurable whether guests should be able to enter a name for the entry.
Configurable whether to show username or real name for entries made by registered users.
Automatically delete entries after a set number of days.
Send email to admin and/or author when entry is written.
Joomla Wysiwyg html editor support, even for guests!
Possibility to turn off editor even when using editor in Joomla.
Configurable whether a preview page is shown before entry is saved.
Available languages: English, Swedish, Dutch
Import entries from AkoBook.
Super Administrators and Administrators are allowed to edit and delete entries in the frontend.
Configurable whether all, some or no HTML should be stripped from entries entered from the frontend.
Admin can define which HTML tags are allowed in entries.
Joomla 1.0.x
PHP 4.3.0 or above
MySQL 3.23.x or MySQL 4.0.x
TrueType support in PHP required for CAPTCHA image
License This component is released under the GNU General Public License, a copy of this license should be included in the zip file and available for reading from the administrator page once the component has been installed. Installation Just install the component as according to the Joomla documentation.
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