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PM Chat - AJAX Script

PM Chat is a web based chatting program that allows you to create your own chat rooms and invite others to join your chat room. There is no need for downloading heavy java applet for entering chat room. PM Chat is completely done in AJAX to ensure smooth usability. PM Chat is a flexible chatting tool, that helps you create your own chat room in just few seconds. It is extremely light weight chat tool and makes chatting more fun. Conventional instant messaging will be good only in the case where 2 persons are chatting, but it`s not much usable to chat with more than 20 people at once which had big impact on business discussions. PM Chat helps you to solve these problems.
Hits: 5821

Free   Version: n/a   Platform(s): All   Updated:  June 12, 2008

Developer: Demo Download  
Rated by: 1 user(s)  
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