AJAX is all the rage these days, and for a good reason. With AJAX, you can create web applications with nearly the same functionality as your desktop programs. Super AJAX Programming Seed is a tight script that illustrates a simple use of AJAX technology using PHP, JavaScript and HTML.
Super AJAX Programming Seed Features
Super AJAX Programming Seed is easy to install. Just upload the files to your server and you`re good to go.
Super simple code makes it easy to start using AJAX in your own applications.
Comes with a working exaple of AJAX so you can get started right away.
Use Super AJAX Programming Seed as a starter for your own technology, or offer it as an example on your own web site of AJAX in action.
Super AJAX Programming Seed Requirements
Super AJAX Programming Seed requires that PHP be installed on your server.
Hits: 7433
FreeVersion: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
April 12, 2008