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board-tnk is a discussion board written in PHP (versions for both PHP3 and PHP4 are available). It features very secure URL checking, support for multiple forums (with only one level thread allowed for each forum), use of cookies for showing users new messages since their last visit and storing their information to simplify new posts, a choice of smiley icons for each message, ability to use a subset of HTML within the messages, multiple language support (English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Turkish, Serbian, Spanish, and Polish), and a full admin page that allows you to create and delete forums, entire threads, or answers from a thread. It is possible to prefix the MySQL tables if only one database is allowed on an ISP server.
Hits: 5326

Free   Version: n/a   Platform(s): All   Updated:  August 20, 2008

Developer:Thierry Nkaoua Demo Download  
Rated by: 1 user(s)  
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