/* JavaScript Unleashed, Third Edition by Richard Wagner and R. Allen Wyke
ISBN: 067231763X Publisher Sams CopyRight 2000
*/ <html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Comment out script from browsers that don't know JavaScript //=============================================================== // Here are our standard Cookie routines //=============================================================== //--------------------------------------------------------------- // GetCookie - Returns the value of the specified cookie or null // if the cookie doesn't exist //--------------------------------------------------------------- function GetCookie(name) { var result = null; var myCookie = " " + document.cookie + ";"; var searchName = " " + name + "="; var startOfCookie = myCookie.indexOf(searchName); var endOfCookie; if (startOfCookie != -1) { startOfCookie += searchName.length; // skip past cookie name endOfCookie = myCookie.indexOf(";", startOfCookie); result = unescape(myCookie.substring(startOfCookie,endOfCookie)); } return result; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // SetCookieEZ - Quickly sets a cookie which will last until the // user shuts down his browser //--------------------------------------------------------------- function SetCookieEZ(name, value) { document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // SetCookie - Adds or replaces a cookie. Use null for parameters // that you don't care about //---------------------------------------------------------------
function SetCookie(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) { var expString = ((expires == null)? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString())); var pathString = ((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)); var domainString = ((domain == null)? "" : ("; domain=" + domain)); var secureString = ((secure == true) ? "; secure" : ""); document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value)+ expString + pathString + domainString+ secureString; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // ClearCookie - Removes a cookie by setting an expiration date // three days in the past //--------------------------------------------------------------- function ClearCookie(name) { var ThreeDays = 3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var expDate = new Date(); expDate.setTime (expDate.getTime() - ThreeDays); document.cookie = name + "=ImOutOfHere; expires="+ expDate.toGMTString(); } //=============================================================== // Here are the object and the routines for our Favorites app //=============================================================== //--------------------------------------------------------------- /* Here is our "favorite" object. Properties: fullName - The full descriptive name cook - The code used for the cookie urlpath - The full url (http://...) to the site Methods: Enabled - Returns true if the link's cookie is turned on Checked - Returns the word "CHECKED" if the link's cookie is turned on WriteAsCheckBox - Sends text to the document in a checkbox control format WriteAsWebLink - Sends text to the document in a <a href...> format ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ function favorite(fullName, cook, urlpath) {
this.fullName = fullName; this.cook = cook; this.urlpath = urlpath; this.Enabled = Enabled; this.Checked = Checked; this.WriteAsCheckBox = WriteAsCheckBox; this.WriteAsWebLink = WriteAsWebLink; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Enabled - Checks to see if the cookie exists // returns - true if the cookie exists // false if it doesn't //--------------------------------------------------------------- function Enabled() { var result = false; var FaveCookie = GetCookie("Favorites"); if (FaveCookie != null) { var searchFor = "<" + this.cook + ">"; var startOfCookie = FaveCookie.indexOf(searchFor); if (startOfCookie != -1) result = true; } return result; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Checked - Checks to see if the cookie exists (using Enabled) // returns - 'CHECKED ' if the cookie exists // "" if it doesn't //--------------------------------------------------------------- function Checked () { if (this.Enabled()) return "CHECKED "; return ""; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // WriteAsCheckBox - The favorite may be either a regular URL or // a section title. If the urlpath is an empty
// string, then the favorite is a section title. // The links will appear within a definition // list, and are formatted appropriately. //--------------------------------------------------------------- function WriteAsCheckBox () { // Check to see if it's a title or regular link if (this.urlpath == "") { // It's a section title result = '<dt><strong>' + this.fullName + '</strong>'; } else { // It's a regular link result = '<dd><input type="checkbox" name="'+ this.cook + '" '+ this.Checked()+ 'onClick="SetFavoriteEnabled(this.name, this.checked);">'+ this.fullName; } document.write(result); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Global Variable: // NextHeading - Sometimes we only want to print a heading if one // its favorites is turned on. The NextHeading // variable helps us to do this. See WriteAsWebLink //--------------------------------------------------------------- var NextHeading = ""; //--------------------------------------------------------------- // WriteAsWebLink - The favorite may be either a regular URL or // a section title. If the urlpath is an empty // string, then the favorite is a section title. // The links will appear within a definition // list, and are formatted appropriately. //--------------------------------------------------------------- function WriteAsWebLink() { var result = ''; if (this.urlpath == "") {
NextHeading = this.fullName; // It's must be a Title } else { if (this.Enabled() || (GetCookie("ViewAll") == "T")) { if (NextHeading != "") { result = '<p><dt><strong>' + NextHeading+ '</strong>'; NextHeading = ""; } result = result + '<dd><a href="' + this.urlpath + '">'+ this.fullName + '</a>'; } } document.write(result); } //=============================================================== // Global Variables //=============================================================== /*--------------------------------------------------------------- FaveList will be a list of all favorite objects, which are then declared below. favorites with an empty urlpath property are section headings ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ var FaveList = new Array(); // Comics Section ------------------- FaveList[1] = new favorite("Comics", "", ""); FaveList[2] = new favorite("Dilbert", "cdilb", Image from book "http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/dilbert/"); FaveList[3] = new favorite("Doonesbury", "cdoon", Image from book "http://www.uexpress.com/cgi-bin/ups/mainindex.cgi?code=db"); FaveList[4] = new favorite("Mr. Boffo", "cboff", Image from book "http://www.uexpress.com/cgi-bin/ups/new_mainindex.cgi?code=mb"); // General News Section ------------- FaveList[5] = new favorite("General News", "", ""); FaveList[6] = new favorite("CNN", "ncnn", "http://www.cnn.com/"); FaveList[7] = new favorite("NPR", "nnpr","http://www.npr.org/news/"); FaveList[8] = new favorite("Boston Globe", "nbos","http://www.boston.com/"); // Computer Industry Section -------- FaveList[9] = new favorite("Computer Industry", "", "");
FaveList[10] = new favorite("PC Week", "ipcw","http://www.pcweek.com/"); FaveList[11] = new favorite("TechWeb", "icmp", Image from book "http://www.techWeb.com/wire/wire.html"); FaveList[12] = new favorite("Netscape", "ntsc","http://devedge.netscape.com/"); FaveList[13] = new favorite("Microsoft", "micr","http://msdn.microsoft.com/"); // Search Engines Section ----------- FaveList[14] = new favorite("Search Engines", "", ""); FaveList[15] = new favorite("Yahoo!", "syah","http://www.yahoo.com/"); FaveList[16] = new favorite("Alta Vista", "sav","http://www.altavista.com/"); FaveList[17] = new favorite("Excite", "sexc","http://www.excite.com/"); // Auction Section ------------------ FaveList[18] = new favorite("Auctions", "", ""); FaveList[19] = new favorite("ebay", "ebay","http://www.ebay.com/"); FaveList[20] = new favorite("Yahoo Auctions", "yhac", Image from book "http://auctions.yahoo.com/"); // Misc. Section -------------------- FaveList[21] = new favorite("Misc.", "", ""); FaveList[22] = new favorite("Today in History", "mtih", Image from book "http://www.thehistorynet.com/today/today.htm"); FaveList[23] = new favorite("Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day","mwod", Image from book "http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/mwwod.pl"); FaveList[24] = new favorite("Quotes of the Day", "mquot", Image from book "http://www.starlingtech.com/quotes/qotd.html"); //=============================================================== // Page Writing Routines //=============================================================== //--------------------------------------------------------------- // SendOptionsPage - Writes a page allowing the user to select // her favorite preferences //--------------------------------------------------------------- function SendOptionsPage() { document.write('<h1>Select Favorites</h1>'); document.write('<form method=post>'); // Here's the button for viewing the Favorites page document.write('<input type=button value="Show Favorites" '+ 'onClick="'+ Image from book 'ReloadPage()'+';">'); // The links will look nicer inside a definition listdocument.write('<dl>'); for (var i = 1; i < FaveList.length; i++) FaveList[i].WriteAsCheckBox(); // Write each checkbox
document.write('</dl><p>'); ClearCookie("ViewAll"); document.write('</form>'); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // LoadOptions - Sets the ShowOptions cookie, which makes the // option selection page appear when the page is // then reloaded. //--------------------------------------------------------------- function LoadOptions() { SetCookieEZ("ShowOptions", "T"); window.open(document.location.href, "_top", ""); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // ToggleView - Toggles ViewAll mode on and off. When on, all // links will be displayed. When off, only the // user's favorite selections will be displayed. //--------------------------------------------------------------- function ToggleView() { if (GetCookie("ViewAll") == "T") { ClearCookie("ViewAll"); } else { var fiveYears = 5 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var expDate = new Date(); expDate.setTime (expDate.getTime() + fiveYears ); SetCookie("ViewAll", "T", expDate, null, null, false); } window.open(document.location.href, "_top", ""); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // SendPersonalPage - Writes a page showing the categories and // links which the user prefers. Only shows a // heading if one of its favorites is enabled //---------------------------------------------------------------
function SendPersonalPage() { if (GetCookie("ViewAll") != "T") document.write('<h1>Your Favorites:</h1>'); else document.write('<h1>Links:</h1>'); // Here are the buttons for viewing the options or // "View All" pages document.write('<form method=post>'); if (GetCookie("ViewAll") == "T") { document.write('<input type=button value="View Favorites" '+'onClick="ToggleView();">'); } else { document.write('<input type=button value="View All" '+'onClick="ToggleView();">'); } document.write('<input type=button '+ 'value="Select Personal Favorites" '+ 'onClick="LoadOptions();">'); document.write('</form>'); // The links will look nicer inside a definition list document.write('<dl>'); for (var i = 1; i < FaveList.length; i++) FaveList[i].WriteAsWebLink(); // Write each link document.write('</dl><p>'); } //=============================================================== // Helper Functions //=============================================================== //--------------------------------------------------------------- // isEnabled - Returns True if the favorite identified by the // name parameter is enabled. //--------------------------------------------------------------- function isEnabled(name){ var result = false; var FaveCookie = GetCookie("Favorites"); if (FaveCookie != null) {
var searchFor = "<" + name + ">"; var startOfCookie = FaveCookie.indexOf(searchFor); if (startOfCookie != -1) result = true; } return result; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // AddFavorite- Enables the favorite identified by the name // parameter. //--------------------------------------------------------------- function AddFavorite(name){ if (!isEnabled(name)) { var fiveYears = 5 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var expDate = new Date(); expDate.setTime (expDate.getTime() + fiveYears ); SetCookie("Favorites", GetCookie("Favorites")+ "<" + name + ">", expDate, null, null, false); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // ClearFavorite- Disables the favorite identified by the name // parameter. //--------------------------------------------------------------- function ClearFavorite(name){ if (isEnabled(name)) { var FaveCookie = GetCookie("Favorites"); var searchFor = "<" + name + ">"; var startOfCookie = FaveCookie.indexOf(searchFor); var NewFaves = FaveCookie.substring(0, startOfCookie)+ FaveCookie.substring(startOfCookie+searchFor.length,FaveCookie.length); var fiveYears = 5 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var expDate = new Date(); expDate.setTime (expDate.getTime() + fiveYears ); SetCookie("Favorites", NewFaves, expDate, null, null, false); }
} //--------------------------------------------------------------- // SetFavoriteEnabled - Turns the favorite identified by the name // parameter on (SetOn=true) or off // (SetOn=false). //--------------------------------------------------------------- function SetFavoriteEnabled(name, SetOn){ if (SetOn) AddFavorite(name); else ClearFavorite(name); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // ReloadPage - Reloads the page //--------------------------------------------------------------- function ReloadPage(){ window.open(document.location.href, "_top", ""); } // End Commented Script --> </script> </head> <body> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Comment out script from browsers that don't know JavaScript /*--------------------------------------------------------------- Here's where we select the page to send. Normally we send the personalized favorites page (by calling SendPersonalPage). However, If the cookie ShowOptions is set, we'll send the options selection page instead (by calling SendOptionsPage). ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (GetCookie("ShowOptions") == "T"){ ClearCookie("ShowOptions"); SendOptionsPage(); }else{ SendPersonalPage(); } // End Commented Script --> </script> <center>This is a very dull page unless you have a JavaScriptenabled browser.<br></center> </body> </html>