/* Mastering JavaScript, Premium Edition by James Jaworski
ISBN:078212819X Publisher Sybex CopyRight 2001 */ <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Keeping track of Web site access time</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- function nameDefined(c,n) { var s=removeBlanks(c) var pairs=s.split(";") for(var i=0;i<pairs.length;++i) { var pairSplit=pairs[i].split("=") if(pairSplit[0]==n) return true } return false } function removeBlanks(s) { var temp="" for(var i=0;i<s.length;++i) { var c=s.charAt(i) if(c!=" ") temp += c } return temp } function getCookieValue(c,n) { var s=removeBlanks(c) var pairs=s.split(";") for(var i=0;i<pairs.length;++i) { var pairSplit=pairs[i].split("=") if(pairSplit[0]==n) return pairSplit[1] } return "" } function insertTimeCounter() { today = new Date() startTime = today.getTime() readCookie() displayCounter() setInterval("setCookie()",1000) } function displayCounter() { document.write('<H3 ALIGN="CENTER">') document.write("Welcome! You've accessed this site ") if(prevTime==0) document.write("for the first time.") else document.write("over "+displayTime()) document.writeln('</H3>') } function displayTime() { var seconds=Math.round(prevTime/1000) var minutes=Math.round(seconds/60) var hours=Math.round(minutes/60) if(seconds<60) return ""+seconds+ " seconds." else if(minutes<60) return ""+minutes+ " minutes." else return ""+hours+" hours " } function readCookie() { var cookie=document.cookie prevTime=0 if(nameDefined(cookie,"timeCount")) prevTime=parseInt(getCookieValue(cookie,"timeCount")) } function setCookie() { now = new Date() endTime = now.getTime() duration = endTime-startTime var newCookie="timeCount="+(prevTime+duration) newCookie += "; expires=Wednesday, 10-Nov-10 23:12:40 GMT" newCookie += "; path=/" window.document.cookie=newCookie }
// --></SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- insertTimeCounter() // --></SCRIPT> <H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Keeping track of Web site access time</H1> <P ALIGN="CENTER">[The rest of the Web page goes here.]</P> </BODY>
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