//Random Movement - http://www.btinternet.com/~kurt.grigg/javascript /* Paste this js-link between the <body> </body> tags of your page HTML.
<script type="text/javascript" src="randommovement.js"></script>
Make sure that randommovement.js and pooh.gif or any other image you want to use are in/uploaded to the same directory/folder as the web page using the script.
If you want more than one just paste the same js-link repeatedly:
<script type="text/javascript" src="randommovement.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="randommovement.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="randommovement.js"></script>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head>
<title>Random Movement</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <meta http-equiv="content-script-type" content="text/javascript"> <meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css">
<style type="text/css"> <!-- body{ background-color : #000000; } //--> </style>
</head> <body>
<script type="text/javascript"> //Random Movement - http://www.btinternet.com/~kurt.grigg/javascript
if ((document.getElementById) && window.addEventListener || window.attachEvent){
var rm_img = new Image(); rm_img.src = "http://www.navioo.com/style/logo.png";
var imgh = 163; var imgw = 156; var timer = 40; //setTimeout speed. var min = 1; //slowest speed. var max = 5; //fastest speed.
var idx = 1; idx = parseInt(document.images.length); if (document.getElementById("pic"+idx)) idx++;
var stuff = "<div id='pic"+idx+"' style='position:absolute;" +"top:2px;left:2px;height:"+imgh+"px;width:"+imgw+"px;" +"overflow:hidden'><img src='"+rm_img.src+"' alt=''/></div>"; document.write(stuff);
var h,w,r,temp; var d = document; var y = 2; var x = 2; var dir = 45; //direction. var acc = 1; //acceleration. var newacc = new Array(1,0,1); var vel = 1; //initial speed. var sev = 0; var newsev = new Array(1,-1,2,-2,0,0,1,-1,2,-2);
//counters. var c1 = 0; //time between changes. var c2 = 0; //new time between changes.
var pix = "px"; var domWw = (typeof window.innerWidth == "number"); var domSy = (typeof window.pageYOffset == "number");
if (domWw) r = window; else{ if (d.documentElement && typeof d.documentElement.clientWidth == "number" && d.documentElement.clientWidth != 0) r = d.documentElement; else{ if (d.body && typeof d.body.clientWidth == "number") r = d.body; } }
function winsize(){ var oh,sy,ow,sx,rh,rw; if (domWw){ if (d.documentElement && d.defaultView && typeof d.defaultView.scrollMaxY == "number"){ oh = d.documentElement.offsetHeight; sy = d.defaultView.scrollMaxY; ow = d.documentElement.offsetWidth; sx = d.defaultView.scrollMaxX; rh = oh-sy; rw = ow-sx; } else{ rh = r.innerHeight; rw = r.innerWidth; } h = rh - imgh; w = rw - imgw; } else{ h = r.clientHeight - imgh; w = r.clientWidth - imgw; } }
function scrl(yx){ var y,x; if (domSy){ y = r.pageYOffset; x = r.pageXOffset; } else{ y = r.scrollTop; x = r.scrollLeft; } return (yx == 0)?y:x; }
function newpath(){ sev = newsev[Math.floor(Math.random()*newsev.length)]; acc = newacc[Math.floor(Math.random()*newacc.length)]; c2 = Math.floor(20+Math.random()*50); }
function moveit(){ var vb,hb,dy,dx,curr; if (acc == 1) vel +=0.05; if (acc == 0) vel -=0.05; if (vel >= max) vel = max; if (vel <= min) vel = min; c1++; if (c1 >= c2){ newpath(); c1=0; } curr = dir+=sev; dy = vel * Math.sin(curr*Math.PI/180); dx = vel * Math.cos(curr*Math.PI/180); y+=dy; x+=dx; //horizontal-vertical bounce. vb = 180-dir; hb = 0-dir; //Corner rebounds? if ((y < 1) && (x < 1)){y = 1; x = 1; dir = 45;} if ((y < 1) && (x > w)){y = 1; x = w; dir = 135;} if ((y > h) && (x < 1)){y = h; x = 1; dir = 315;} if ((y > h) && (x > w)){y = h; x = w; dir = 225;} //edge rebounds. if (y < 1) {y = 1; dir = hb;} if (y > h) {y = h; dir = hb;} if (x < 1) {x = 1; dir = vb;} if (x > w) {x = w; dir = vb;}
//Assign it all to image. temp.style.top = y + scrl(0) + pix; temp.style.left = x + scrl(1) + pix; setTimeout(moveit,timer); }
function init(){ temp = document.getElementById("pic"+idx); winsize(); moveit(); }
if (window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener("resize",winsize,false); window.addEventListener("load",init,false); } else if (window.attachEvent){ window.attachEvent("onresize",winsize); window.attachEvent("onload",init); }
})(); }//End. </script>
<p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p> <p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p> <p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p> <p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p><p>`</p>
</body> </html>